Saturday, March 23, 2019

Second Pregnancy update and almost there

Hey all!! This is a pregnancy update coming to you as the due date is approaching soon and fast. I know, I know I should have done an update sooner and even a monthly bump update, like I did with my first son but let me tell you this second pregnancy as not been easy on myself or my body. This second pregnancy is a blessing for sure, but a suprise one. We are welcoming another little boy here very soon and I'm excited, nerves, scared because I don't know what's in store for me but I'm ready as I was with my first. Can you say Boymom to the!!

My first son who is four has gave me a run for money and as kept me on my toes for sure, and while waiting on the second one to come in a few weeks I'm wishful thinking the second one will be calm but who am I kidding....Im a boymom and boys usually are wild but have such a caring heart(learn that from my first one).

Ok, now back to the pregnancy...well let's see we found out after my mom 60th birthday which was in July of last year that I was expecting with a home test(I wasn't feeling myself so something told me to buy a test. In the meantime my husband kept telling me I wasn't, but to still get a test if I wanted too). After weeks went by we had our first appointment to confirm that we were indeed expecting our second child than another 4 home test. Once a confirmation from the doctor we still couldn't believe that this was happen....but it was! After weeks went by and this being my second pregnancy it was honestly rough with morning sickness till about 7 months are so, as well as stap throat and an ear infection early on but got that out the way right away. I took meds for everything I had even more so for the morning sickness as it was horrible this time around with not being able to keep anything down. But came the side effects such as one made me sleepy and I can't sleep with a 4 year old son, than the other one I couldn't go to the restroom...yup I felt like a brake was no where near and truthfully it wasn't for 7 months or so. And trust me it was hard, a lot of tears were shed but I had better days after awhile and medicine became less. Oh yeah blood pressure medicine got added as well because everytime I check my blood pressure at home it was good, but at the appointment it was high so I got put on medicine. My blood pressure has always been good to the point my husband was jealous because he has high blood pressure, and mines was always good well during the pregnancy we were both taking bp medicine.

Beside all that going on let me tell you that as this pregnancy was shock for us. In the beginning I was freaking out, and my emotions were all over the place, I had thoughts about an abortion, I was doubting myself that I couldn't do it with two kids, my husband work a lot and I was going to be doing it by myself all the time, excuses after excuses. Than once that stage pass and the thought of abortion was there I'm so thankful that I didn't do it because I knew I would never forgive myself, my husband would never forgive me, as well it's not the baby fault. Than soon after I started to contact more and more once I felt the baby move and even more so once we found out the sex of that baby. Everyone including me thought it was a girl while my husband thought it was boy..sure enough it was a boy and my husband was!

Months went by, appointments went by, time was just going in general!!! Energy level came up and I'm glad it did I had a  four year old to take care. And weight gain was slowly throughout the pregnancy. Some days were easy while some days were tough, but having to care for my four year while my husband was at work gave me the strength and he's little will power did too. We still had a schedule/routinue to follow and I'm glad we did and stuck to it. I even took him on a few playdates, and had a few last mommy and me dates before we welcome baby boy.

To top all this that was going on with me, and thankfully everything was going smooth for me..that my husband had to care for his mother and be there for his dad and brother while I was pregnant at home. A few times we almost lost her but she is here fighting each day to get stronger and to go home.

Now that I'm finish with this posted we welcome our new little guy, and my mother in law had open heart surgery a week before I went in to have the baby. It's been stressful time for my husband but his strength amazes me each day!


P.S. Stay tuned for the new baby update and how labor went for me!

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