Just want to say hello and that I'm still here! Working on a few blog posted which one will be a series/an update/what went on each month of 2017 because let's face it, when it's a new month something new goes on! So stay tuned!
Just want to say hello and that I'm still here! Working on a few blog posted which one will be a series/an update/what went on each month of 2017 because let's face it, when it's a new month something new goes on! So stay tuned!
How was your first month of 2017?
Mines was wonderful! I started my workout routine on the kinect for xbox called UFC. I have done it before baby and stuck to it, than done it after baby but it was on and off now I am one month in
..yes one month. And let me tell you I feel great, I feel like it's now apart of my daily routine and it's a must for me to do. I did miss two days...one day because we got home so late from a little party, than the other day I got the day mix up. I also have lost a few pounds not a lot but a few, and I'm good with that because each day and month as I continue I will continue to drop my weight. Let's see what else we celebrated my mother in law birthday at the downtown aquarium, my son got ride to the train, saw sharks, and ride the carousel. We also had our football team after having a wonderful season, went into to the playoff game and lost by three points. My boys put on a good fight! After a great season and having to win some, and lose some than next season will be another great one. As well as Superbowl is here in town and getting ready to play first Sunday in February, a matter of fact this Sunday coming up. Ummm what else my son is now from crib to toddler not in his own room, but hey at least he's in his own bed and it's been a week going on two this Sunday. We also put a pillow for him to sleep with in his bed. He's also saying more words such as Chase from paw partol, and now chicken along with others. And to finish it off we have also been going to story time at our local bookstore which has been great for him.
Like I said it's been a wonderful first month of 2017. Stay tuned to find out what went on in month number 2 and let give you hint it as to involve Valentine's day and another loved one birthday!
Hello all! We are in the new year and I'm wondering how is it going for you! Did you set any new goals? What about a New Years resolutions?
Well I on the other hand don't have any New Years resolutions I however did set up a goal for me and that was to make time to get my workout on and do the weight lost again. See lately I haven't been happy with myself to the point I joke about it and laugh about it, but deep inside I'm just not happy nor comfortable. I have had my weight lost go up and down and I truly wish it stay down and not go back up(wishful thinking)! So here we are almost the middle of the month and I have found time to work out or I have made time. It has come to either I workout when my husband leaves to work and my son is asleep, while my son is taking a nap, or while he's awake and do an extra workout by getting him out my way...lol, either way I take it and will do it even if it's double the work! It also have come to me that I have the time since I am a stay at home mommy and wife I have all the time it was just finding and making the time...and proud to say which I have!!
So stay tuned to read about result and how I'm doing!