Tuesday, March 6, 2018

First of many hardest decision in mother/parenthood

Last September my son had turn 3, we knew speech wasn't where he needed to be. So at his 3 year old check up Doctor gave us a list, and told us one of many appointments we needed to make. I got the ball rolling made the calls once we were home....some happen right away, and some are now just happening this year. 

Our first appointment was an evaluation with the department of the preschool of disabilities with the school district. After testing you were accepted into the program, we waited for the school to call to meet with them, and we finally did in December. But at the evaluation which was only a hour they determine he was showing some signs of Austim because of his speech. WOW!!!! So many mixed emotions, so many tears were shed after the appointment and talking to daddy about what was said. Along I knew in my heart as a mommy nothing was wrong with him beside needing a push with speech, and daddy felt the same, but let me make it clear if Austim or anything else was in the picture we would love him no matter what. It was hard trying to soaked everything that was said at the first appointment, because it was the first appointment of many. So many decisions that was going to be made and difficult ones at that as the different appointments come up.

Now to our meeting at the school where we met the teacher apart of the program, the supervisor of the program, a speech specialist, and the principal which they all explain the program, went over our concerns, the goals, paperwork, and so much more. And while going over the paperwork that told us our son was showing zero to some signs of Austim, but it was because of speech...TOTALLY different from what was said at the evaluation. Still so many tears were shed, many prayers were said, and many late nights conversations with  daddy and I. As well as let me add my mind was made up before going into this meeting that he was not going to go to the program, and I wasn't ready to let go while daddy had an open mind the whole time. There was a lot of pros and cons, what if, not regretting it, and early invention. Finally, the teacher that would watch over my son made a personal call to us inviting us to her classroom since she wasn't able to attend the meeting due to training, well we met with her and the two assistant in the classroom. We asked more questions, she show us what they do each day, lessons plans, and so on. 


WELL.....Fast forward to now and I'm proud to say that he's in the program, and is going great. He's been going since a week in a half before Christmas break. Some days are not easy and some are as smooth as can be. It was harder on me than on daddy and him. I cried, he cried a bit but after the second day I stop walking him in and he was getting off the car in the carpool line by himself with the teacher of course. It was a big change from being with me all day everyday to going to the program five days a week, two in half hours a day. Each day he works hard to meet his goals, and once met new ones are set. Also a speech specialist meet with him two times a week. We follow the school schedule, and he has had so much fun activities. Love getting art projects and him show us how he did, and him telling us he did so proudly.  Oh and they are helping us with potty training, he hasn't got the hang of it just yet but we will get there. With that being said he knew his name already but just last Friday March 2th, he verbally identity his name, gender, and age and used more words for communication instead of objects and pictures along with getting better with sharing toys.

It's a work in progress! Each day he is learning, and doing something new. I still believe in my heart nothing is wrong with him, and he will and is showing everyone what he can do and will do. Please know this was the hardest decision and first one to make as a mother, but it was totally the right one. As well as so many have went on the same journey that we are on, and we are not alone. I share with very few family friends, but it's great to share and talk about your journey with your friends, other moms or even a counselor. Appointments are still coming up, and I'm not as worry as I was from the very beginning! 

EARLY INTERVENTION WAS THE BEST DECISION WE COULD HAVE DONE, He was only two months behind and now with the help he won't be behind at all, and by the time he starts kindergarten he will be in a regular classroom(that's our goal). He go at his pace! 


A worry mother who just wants the best for her son, and always will! 

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