Sunday, December 23, 2018

My son and PPCD, tubes in his ears! What is PPCD?

First of all let me start off explaining what is PPCD? 

PPCD is Preschool Programs for Children with Disabilities. Disabilities range from mild to serve(from Google).

Where in our case our son had a speech delay and wasn't where he needed to be at for his age. So we had to decide as parents to get him the help early on,  before he got even older, and when before he starts kindergarten. 

With that being said, I started noticing something was up during our outings as the other kids the same age as my son was advance in the speech area, but no matter what he got what he wanted to say to me or them across in his own way or what he wanted to do next. As days went by I knew I needed to mention this to the doctor at our next visit while mommy guilt was kicking in as I thought I did something wrong or I didn't help him when I need it too. So the journey started after his third birthday/3rd birthday wellness check up with a list from the doctor along with phone calls needed to be made on my end as well as appointments soon begin to be scheduled from getting ears/hearing check, to the dentist to check his tongue or lip, and getting an evaluation within the school district to see if he fits the requirements to start their program. He was all clear from the dentist, hearing test came out not so good which it being that they found some congestion in one of his ears and soon after he came down with a sickness of an ear infection so that was an return appointment. Again the time came to go back to get an hearing test done and it was somewhat better beside pressure being low in the right ear so back for another appointment yet again. In between all this the PPCD team call for an evaluation we went to their office met with a few ladies in different field to test my much was said within an hour and so much peperwork was given within the two times that we all met, and all I remember was hearing my son may have Austim...WHAT! Tears were shed, a lot and prayers were said, but in my heart I knew my son was not showing signs of Austim and he just need it help with speech and that was it. At that time it was crazy, but I now understand that Austim falls under many spectrum now. And for my son met the requirements to start the program PPCD at our zoned elementary school....but was mommy and daddy ready to let go, and get our son the help early.....WELL.....

I'm proud to say a year later he's in the program, and this was one of the hardest of many decision to come our way to make as parents and first time at that. Before starting the program we met with his teachers and saw his classroom and he fit right on in, and they made all of us feel welcome and ensure us that this will be great for him. Well last year on his first day I shed a tear or two and by his third day he was getting off the car and waving bye to me and off he went. Now here we are a year later with a new teacher, same teacher assistant as last year, same classroom, and same hours and a boy who has come a very long way! He's not only proven to everyone on how hard he's  working everyday, but getting the tubes in his ears in October has helped out a lot. You know it's only been 2 months since getting the tubes, and we have notice a big change such as sentence are starting to come out, more words, and to top it off potty training is in full effect and he's is in underwear throughout the day and at school still working on the outings and need to work on nighttime but hey it's a start. 

Last of all this journey is not over yet for us nor for our son, but it has been very successful so far. He still has one more year in PPCD before he starts kindergarten, and I can't wait to give you yet another update so stay tuned. As well as another update on his tubes, and how is progress is going will be up in 6 months or even on his one year anniversary and I have a feeling that will be just as good. 


P.S. Thanks for reading! Thanks for sticking around as this posted wasn't easy, but I'm glad I'm fianlly able to share it because I know we are not alone in this journey with my son. As well as never compare your child with others you know when your child needs help in something, or something is wrong because let's face it mothers knows best.



Thursday, November 1, 2018

Happy 10th Wedding Anniversary to my love

910 years down, a lifetime to go!

Love this life we made together and can't wait to see what else is in store for us. We have had  some hard times, good times, and alot of blessings in the mix. God has been so good to us while giving us so many life lessons, and testing us a long the way but here we are stronger than ever.

Happy 10th Wedding Anniversary My love! Thank you for making me fall in love with you all over again each passing day!

I love you than, now, and will love you forever!!

P.S. I truly thank God for you, for all of our blessings, and for letting us see our 10th wedding Annivesary. Cheers to many more!

Sunday, October 14, 2018

A letter to my four year son for your birthday

My Dear Son,

You turn 4 years old in September and you are just growing to fast for mommy and daddy to handle. What a journey you have been on in 4 years, and what a joy it is to have you in our lives and the lives you have cross path with. You know leading up to your 4th birthday you have been just a busy bee just like the other 3 years of your life, and just like that year 4 will be just as busy but with a special change and that is you will be getting a little brother. Yup you are going from only child to now having the big brother title....can we say WOW! Now let's talk about what you were up to before you turn the big 4 and that is: 

The Houston Astros won the World Series for the first time ever and we got to witness it as a family and on mommy and daddy's 9th wedding anniversary. 

You had some more first: 

Went bowling 

Played soccer at our local YMCA 

Attend your first Texans game but deep down we are cowboys fans

We also got to enjoy our first snow storm together, it was only a little bit but we were excited as us Texans never get snow. 

You also got to belly dance at your first Renassiance festival visit

We attended Paw Patrol live 

Attend many birthday parties 

We made many trips to the movie theatre to see some awesome movies 

Many other memories were made but these were the best highlights leading up to your 4th birthday. 

Than my son your journey has been hard has you had a speech delay, but that didn't stop you. You started a program at the zone elementary school last year and now here we are with you talking a lot more. It's hasn't been easy with a lot of doctor appointment, but one thing for sure you didn't give up and we didn't give up on you. From where you started till now you are saying a lot more, and I know as you work even harder you will show us and everyone around you including your teachers that the hard has paid off. The journey continue!

Fainlly my dear son the world is yours, and I'm so looking forward to seeing what the 4th year of your life brings you. 

Love always! 

Your Mommy 

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

iT'Z Family Food & Fun - Houston Location

We attended It'z for a birthday awhile back and would to share our experience with you all. It was our first time attending It'z and it was enjoyable with something to do for all ages. The party we attended had a party room which from the look of it and all the other ones they are pretty good sizes. Out decorations, and cake was welcome to add your touch in the room. Along with the hostess always kept our table clean, and drinks full along with hot pizza came out at a timely manner. We also had to option to go get any food from the the buffet that they had to offer. Many choice to choose from but one thing I didn't like was they were not as strict on the kids coming to the buffet and just grabbing the food with their hands. Everything was clean and the workers were always so nice. There was also a bar and a bowling that we told ourselves if we ever go back we will enjoy those area. The games were for all ages with some not working which I know it happens, but my little one was a little disappointed about that. We also love my child could carry his card around and not have to worry about loosing the tokens along with the tickets loading to your card instead of carry them around. The prize shop was at reasonable price to the tickets and every child could walk out with something no matter how small or big the prize is, a parent is saved from a fit. Points to load on the card was on reasonable and we love how our party gave us the option to played unlimited for an hour, which was enough for my little guy. All in all we enjoy ourselves! Food was good, and everything was clean!!
Will we go back? Absolutely!! We plan to go do a game of bowling and enjoy some drinks while walking around with our son and watch him play.
If you are in the Houston or Pasadena area go check out It'z for a family fun outing!!

Sunday, August 19, 2018

I'm still here and with some exciting news

Hey everyone! I'm still around with life being busy and the months going by so fast, and having some exciting news that I haven't been able to share because I have been so sick. But now I have a moment to share with all of you as I'm slowly starting to feel back to myself, and fingers cross it stays that way.

The news is my husband and I are expecting our second child and our son is going to be a big brother. This came as a complete suprise and totally unplanned but for sure a blessing. I'm almost 12 weeks and this pregnancy has been difficult again, but different compare to my first one. Some days are harder than others, and while other days are like nothing was wrong with me. Morning sickness and in my case is the nausea should be call all day sickness as this doesn't go away right I do have meds thanks to my doctor that does help, but not being able to drink so much has been really hard. I have try anything and everything but I'm to the point I'm going to drink something, and be ok because I'm thirsty....thanks baby C #2. While all this has been going on I must my husband and son have been so wonderful to me although we do have to ensure our son that mommy will and is going to be ok. We keep telling him that as we don't want his almost four year old body to stress or worry. And I must add he has been going with us so far to two appointments that I have had so he knows what is going on. We want to make sure we include him on this journey with us as not only our lives are about to change, but his is too. I must say when we first found out in the beginning of July that I was pregnant and have the sickness since than and one point I think made myself sick, but also I was freaking out like how are we going to do this with two kids while my husband reminds calm. Now that I am almost 12 weeks I have calm down and have had a wonderful support system and have come to terms we got this, I got this it's going to be a little adjustment in our lives but God is not giving us anything we can't handle and that's exactly what he is doing in my family and for family.....he just adding a extra blessing. For the longest I thought my son would be the only child as I'm the only child, but than as each day passes I'm truly thankful he won't grow up alone like I did. I know it won't be picture perfect but that's OK as we will get thru the days as a family and with our support system behind us. Beside all that is going with my pregnancy I also want to add that my son is back in school first day last Wednesday, and we are planning his fourth birthday. Busy, busy, busy while trying to add date for my husband and I in the mix. 

Now stick around as I will update soon on another post about my son, and will also update on my pregnancy soon along with sometime this week we will be getting a call to tell us the stay tuned! 


Sunday, July 1, 2018

Month 7 of 2018...WOW

My title says it all!! Can't believe we have only have 5 months left of 2018!! Where has the time gone?

I will tell you each day including weekend in each month we have been busy. But we had a few weekends where we were able to hide inside our home and be lazy which those days are nice, while the week and weekends that we are busy with either the three of us or being with family and friends are truly great. And either way way we are creating memories and making memories inside or our outside our home and I couldn't ask for anything else. Now with it being a new month we do have some days that are busy for us and we will go with the flow and if something comes up as we go than cool if not than that's fine with me. Either way I'm looking forward to this month and can't wait to see what else is in store beside what we do have plan like my mom turns 60th tomorrow, fourth of July is Wednesday, a good family friend son turns 1, and a good friend of mines who is like a sister and has watch me grow celebrate a milestone birthday, and other friend celebrates her birthday as well which I wish her all the best since we hardly don't talk anymore. And in between all that my husband wants to try and take time off and hang out with us, let's see if that will work out especially with the weather we are having hot temps, dust coming in, and rain come and go....that's Texas weather for us! Beside being busy with all that above and going with the flow I have manage to get some playdates in for my son, continue on our lunch date for the two us sometimes we join our friends or  daddy, work with my son, and get my work out in. Yeah my work out hasn't been that great, I have been doing it just not as focus as before, but it's getting done and I will completely get 100 percent focus here soon(I'm hopeful, fingers cross). I also must add we are getting stuff ready for my son fourth birthday in September(I like to plan early), also we have to do school clothes and supplies shopping as he will do a full school year in the PPCD program...stay tuned for an update is coming soon. Finally my husband and I are getting are date night in for this month(this weekend), since are last one was in April and May and June was busy that we could not fit it in and I looking forward to some much need it time together.

Enjoy the 7th month of July because I'm already tired after writing this, and its just the first day..Lol!


P.S. What does July the 7th month of 2018 have in store for you? Please do share!

Thursday, June 28, 2018

My husband for father's day

We celebrated father's day last month, and we made it a little extra special than normal days for my husband. It wasn't hard at all to get stuff for my husband but this year we added a spacial gift with the other gifts that we got him, and that was a picture of our son holding letters D-A-D and he had one of his daddy shirt on and it was taken in our backyard on a beautiful but hot day. Also a few days before father's day we stop and had lunch at Chick Fil A while there we picked up a coloring sheet that had world greatest father, and on the other side had happy father's day. We were able to come home and our son got really into coloring it and did such a good job, and while he was coloring and in thought I was able to get a few pictures of him in action. Those gifts were given to him on Father's day along with a nice homemade breakfast by for me, a movie and than came home and had dinner. Than before all this we went out to a nice resturant on Saturday and celebrated my father in law and husband for father's day, so Sunday was just a lay back down with just the three of us.

Smile after smile is what I saw from my husband and it was priceless! I try to give him the world and so much more, but with the love we have to offer him is what all he needs and that's coming from him....blessed for sure. Let me say that he's beyond amazing with our son and they bond they have is so wonderful to see. I love seeing him cuddle with our son, hearing them laugh together, playing  together, teaching him new things, help him learn,and so much more. Also love seeing our son saying bye to him in morning before daddy leaves to work if he's up, the way he greets him when he gets home from work, he wants daddy to do everything for him and just wants to be with his daddy. For that, and everything and beyond from what I see from both of them being together is something that I never had, and always wanted! I'm so glad that I found someone who loves me and is a wonderful father to our son and is in life and wants to be in his life. I beyond blessed and trust me I thank God everyday for him!

With that being said can't wait to see whats in store next year for him!!


iT'Z family fun entertainment near you

iT'Z offers something fun for everyone in your family. Whether it is the unlimited buffet, bowling, arcade, or bumper cars, we have all the fun you can handle! Buy an annual pass at for the best value all summer long - just $9.99 per visit with an 8-visit pass! Planning a birthday? iT'Z is the place to party! Let our birthday coordinators plan the perfect party for your child! 
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BOGO Biggest Deal - Over $25 Savings! - Buy one Biggest Deal at regular price($28.99 plus tax) and get one Biggest Deal Free! The Biggest Deal includes Unlimited Buffet & Drink, Unlimited Video Games * & Attractions, (1) game of bowling(includes shoe rental) plus a $5 Fun Card - 20 points. *Unlimited Video Games does not include ticket, coin action, or prize games. Fun Card points may be used for all games. Attractions vary per location.
Type in your zip code to see what location is near you, and the family fun iT'z have to offer!!


Saturday, June 16, 2018

I'm still around, life has been busy but here is a little update of what's going on

Hello all! I'm so glad you guys are sticking by still. Life has been busy and the moment I think I'm going to have a free time, I'm wrong well beside right now so let me start 

My son finish his first few months of PPCD and will get a full school year come August, and so right now he's on summer break and I'm trying to keep him busy

My husband is still working a lot of hours but manage to surprise us, and get out early during the week so we can have family dinner together 

Here we are in month 6 of 2018 and I'm still focusing on myself and making time for myself. Sometimes the devil try to take over me and get me in a funk, but I don't and will not allow it and push forward. Yes, some days are harder than others but I get it done. I'm working out on the treadmill going on month three with before I was doing the UFC workout on the Xbox Kinect. It's a struggle to get started but once I'm done I feel great. Also trying to watch what I eat and than limit myself and not to over eat, but I do have my weakness. 

Also my husband and I have been working on ourselves as well with making time for each other and sitting up date night, and let me tell you since doing that we have reconnect like no other. 

Than not least we are still making memories as family, with our son, and for our son!! As well getting some family friends time in as well. 

So with that being said please continue to stick around as I promise I do have a bit new blog post coming up that I know you all will enjoy. I will for sure making the time!! 

Thank you!


Sunday, May 27, 2018

Looking back at my mother's day

Taking you back to share with everyone how my mother's day went. This pass mother's day was my fourth mother's day  as a mother. And of course its different every year because my little one is getting bigger and bigger as compare to my first mother's day, and now it hit me hard. The reason why it hit me hard was because my little one was just 8 months old when I celebrated my first, and now he's 3 in a half and he's slowly loosing his baby face...sad face right here!! Either way I had a blessed one and each day I continue to get with little one and my husband is a blessing and I thank God each passing day I get with them. Mother's day started Saturday with spending time with my in laws at my brother in law house where he cooked fish, corn on the cob, along with potato salad, shrimp cocktail and mix drinks. That day we all got together to focus on my mother in law and a family friend mother that was there also with her family. Also we didn't get to see my mom but we will celebrate any other day with her as I don't need a day to celebrate.  Than mother's day was extra special for me but than again everyday is special for me, and my boys spoil me everyday. From beginning to end the day was nice! My son and I got to wear matching shirts...I had you are my sunshine, and he had on my only sunshine shirt. Than my husband took us to have lunch at our favorite resturant along with he gave me a ring mother's love from James Avery that I have been wanting. Finally, we came home and made it a movie night and just enjoy the rest of the day.

You know it was nothing big just the three of us and that's all I needed


Thursday, May 24, 2018

I'm back with a new blog name

Hello all!! You may have notice a new blog name Being A Wife and Mom- My Chaos, My Journey. The name has been hard trying to find that perfect one that will fit me, and some names that I have used I liked it for awhile. But yet again I was ready for a change! Here is the background of the new name as those of you may know I am a wife of almost 10 years, and a first time mommy to a 3 in half year old little boy. My life and love is about them with finding me time in the mix, and I wanted the name to invlove them and be a lifestyle blog along with other things. And I must say since becoming mommy mix with being wife on top of that has added some chaos but yet became a lot more interesting. Also this is why my absent has been very visible, but a list of blog titles are save that now I plan to write and make more time for it, plus side school is out so I will have that extra time.

So stick around as I'm very excited for all the new blog post I have coming soon.

You know here are some of the topic I will write about...

Yes I'm late but I will be talking about my mother's day, my son finish is first school year in the ppcd program(I will update on that, and our next step), I will be putting some Pinterest activities for my son to the test to see if he show interest or not, summer fun for us, a little about my progress of making time for myself, crazy things my son has been saying lately, and much more.

Stay tuned and I will be back soon!!


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

To my 3 in half year old son

My son you are half way to your 4th birthday! Where has the time gone? It has been a difficult journey from the time you turn three till now and days ahead of us. But everyday we are working hard with you to your goals, learning something new and we are proud and we know you are working really hard each passing day.  You know since putting you in the PPCD program in December we have notice it has help you with your speech and see how much you have learn in such a short time. We have notice including your teachers that you are saying new things while you are learning each day and starting to shine and get out of your bubble.  And a major milestone we just had with you recently with time and practice you verbally identified your name, age, and gender for the first time and we couldn't be prouder of you. Each day goes by we are teaching you, your teachers are teaching you but most importantly you are teaching us. It has been a difficult one these last few months, but you are showing everyone what you can do and will do it. Plus just recently we may have hopefully solve all the problems with your speech delay, with the major problem that we didn't catch sooner was the clear fluid in your ears, it kept getting miss due to the fact it was clear. Not knowing that your second hearing test would show no activity in your eardrums give us answers. Hopefully with the follow on the 10th of April we get more answers and we would know for sure if you need to have tubes in your ear. The tubes will help the fluid drain, and will eventually fall out as you get older. Of course mommy is all over the place and breaks my heart that it took us this long to figure all this out, but know I follow up with every appointments as quickly as possible, and made phone calls right away. We pray that if you do need tubes that this will help everything, and will solve all your problem with your speech delay(I will update on another post about that).

Beside the journey above, in your 3 in half years I must say it's never a dull moment with you. You are the most sweetest, caring little boy with a attitude that can change quickly when you don't like something or someone made you mad. You love to give kisses, hugs, and look out for me and your daddy. You also love to eat. Love paw patrol, dinosaurs, cars, trains, monster trucks, pretty much anything that makes noises and moves, superheros, outside time, and also love to go to the movies or watch movies at home. Dancing and watching music videos is your thing. Chase from build of bear is still your buddy. You are mommy little shopping buddy and workout buddy. Toys r us is your favorite store to go to(sad is closing), and Chuck e cheese is your favorite place to go. Also McDonald's and Chick fil a is your favorite fast food along with many others, but we know what you want because you say Donalds and Chick for Chick fil a. At times you love to sit back and color in your coloring book, or play on your kindle. As well as video games, and fighting with your daddy puts a smile on your face. Soccer was your first sport you played and tball is in your future because you have an arm on you.

My sweet boy, I can't believe you are half way to your fouth birthday. You bring so much joy into our lives, and I love to see what the next day has in store for us while thanking God for the day we did have with you. Everyday is a blessing with you, and I pray to God he continue to watch over you and allows you to grow along with giving us many more years to watch you grow.

Love you always and forever!!

Your mommy

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

First of many hardest decision in mother/parenthood

Last September my son had turn 3, we knew speech wasn't where he needed to be. So at his 3 year old check up Doctor gave us a list, and told us one of many appointments we needed to make. I got the ball rolling made the calls once we were home....some happen right away, and some are now just happening this year. 

Our first appointment was an evaluation with the department of the preschool of disabilities with the school district. After testing you were accepted into the program, we waited for the school to call to meet with them, and we finally did in December. But at the evaluation which was only a hour they determine he was showing some signs of Austim because of his speech. WOW!!!! So many mixed emotions, so many tears were shed after the appointment and talking to daddy about what was said. Along I knew in my heart as a mommy nothing was wrong with him beside needing a push with speech, and daddy felt the same, but let me make it clear if Austim or anything else was in the picture we would love him no matter what. It was hard trying to soaked everything that was said at the first appointment, because it was the first appointment of many. So many decisions that was going to be made and difficult ones at that as the different appointments come up.

Now to our meeting at the school where we met the teacher apart of the program, the supervisor of the program, a speech specialist, and the principal which they all explain the program, went over our concerns, the goals, paperwork, and so much more. And while going over the paperwork that told us our son was showing zero to some signs of Austim, but it was because of speech...TOTALLY different from what was said at the evaluation. Still so many tears were shed, many prayers were said, and many late nights conversations with  daddy and I. As well as let me add my mind was made up before going into this meeting that he was not going to go to the program, and I wasn't ready to let go while daddy had an open mind the whole time. There was a lot of pros and cons, what if, not regretting it, and early invention. Finally, the teacher that would watch over my son made a personal call to us inviting us to her classroom since she wasn't able to attend the meeting due to training, well we met with her and the two assistant in the classroom. We asked more questions, she show us what they do each day, lessons plans, and so on. 


WELL.....Fast forward to now and I'm proud to say that he's in the program, and is going great. He's been going since a week in a half before Christmas break. Some days are not easy and some are as smooth as can be. It was harder on me than on daddy and him. I cried, he cried a bit but after the second day I stop walking him in and he was getting off the car in the carpool line by himself with the teacher of course. It was a big change from being with me all day everyday to going to the program five days a week, two in half hours a day. Each day he works hard to meet his goals, and once met new ones are set. Also a speech specialist meet with him two times a week. We follow the school schedule, and he has had so much fun activities. Love getting art projects and him show us how he did, and him telling us he did so proudly.  Oh and they are helping us with potty training, he hasn't got the hang of it just yet but we will get there. With that being said he knew his name already but just last Friday March 2th, he verbally identity his name, gender, and age and used more words for communication instead of objects and pictures along with getting better with sharing toys.

It's a work in progress! Each day he is learning, and doing something new. I still believe in my heart nothing is wrong with him, and he will and is showing everyone what he can do and will do. Please know this was the hardest decision and first one to make as a mother, but it was totally the right one. As well as so many have went on the same journey that we are on, and we are not alone. I share with very few family friends, but it's great to share and talk about your journey with your friends, other moms or even a counselor. Appointments are still coming up, and I'm not as worry as I was from the very beginning! 

EARLY INTERVENTION WAS THE BEST DECISION WE COULD HAVE DONE, He was only two months behind and now with the help he won't be behind at all, and by the time he starts kindergarten he will be in a regular classroom(that's our goal). He go at his pace! 


A worry mother who just wants the best for her son, and always will! 

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Goodbye February, Hello March

Second month of 2018 has came and gone and here is my little recap of how it went for me....

Sickness has been crazy in our house as it comes and go. And the weather here has been crazy for us which that doesn't help either

We celebrated a family friend son/our nephew birthday, goodbye party as he started a new journey in the Navy, as well as super bowl. Yes all on the same day!! A fun day that was! Eagles shocked everyone by winning. Everyone had mix reviews about the halftime performance with Justin Timberlake and I think he did wonderful.

We celebrated my husband 35th birthday with family and friends with a surprise lunch and a crown royal bottle cake. Epic and one for the books. Also that day we took advantage and had our second date night for the month of February with some of my husband friends. 

Two months in on doing dates and can't wait to see what we do for March.

Grandma came for a visit a surprise one at that and made some homemade for Meundo for my husband for his birthday.

My husband grandma pass away unexecpedly back in her hometown. So glad to have many memories with her, and most importantly she was just here last year meeting my son(her great grandchild for the first time). May she rest in peace!

My son had a few playdates once he was better
And I'm still going strong with working out and feeling great.

Made many more memories and can't wait to see what's in store for us in March. And I hope the weather is a lot nicer to us in March (wishful thinking, but I truly hope it is) 

So stay tuned!!


P.S. Credit the beautiful picture above from Pinterest. 

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Happy 35th to my husband

Happy 35th birthday to this handsome guy I'm proud to call my husband! I did good with surprising him with his cake and everything else!

He got to see another birthday as well as we got another birthday with him and that's a blessing. Everything I plan for him went smooth and he loved it. Lunch with friends, family and than some fun at Top Golf while our son was watch by grandma at our house. Now we are ending my husband birthday with movies at home with our son. Love seeing my husband with smile and just laughing away. He truly gets spoiled year around but today was extra special.

Love you honey so much! I pray you are bless with many more and we can continue to grow old together and watching our son grow up.

Your wifey

Sunday, January 14, 2018

In 2005 this exact date we became boyfriend and girlfriend

It was 2005 this exact date that our journey started as boyfriend and girlfriend. After knowing each other for a few months the year before with many late nights up on the phone talking, sitting on the couch while he was at work when I got out class staring in his eyes when he wasn't busy, or having lunch dates with him before going home, than taking it to the next step by calling each other my boyfriend, my girlfriend in 2005 this exact date. It hasn't been easy at times we thought we were not going to make it. He was ready to call it quits and walk out of this relationship, and if wasn't for a good friend of ours to tell him to make it work it because I really did like him there would not be no us right now.

Now fast forward to now (2018), I'm truly thankful to God for allowing us to cross path, to taken it to that level and for where we are now as husband and wife. Oh trust me it hasn't been easy, but it has been worth it! I love doing life with him, love being his wife, and love having him as my husband. Life has been good to us, and I must say we are truly taking this statement Let's Grow Old together because we are truly growing old together. We have build our relationship from bottom up, we have build a home together for us and now with our son, we have live paycheck to paycheck, we had our fair shares of arguments but nothing that was not talk about or fix that same day, and so much more. Either way what we have share I'm truly blessed it's with him! He loves me for me,and shows me everyday how much he loves me. And since adding the title parents in our relationship it's been a ride that once thought wasn't going to happen, but it did. Again days are not easy but I would not have it any other way.

Thank you Honey for doing all this with me, for building a life with me since 2005, for the journey of marriage and parenthood, and for so much more. Everyday I thank God for you and for all that we have as a family. Thanking him everyday is better than rubbing it in as I know it can easily be taken away. God has been good to us and I know he will continue to be good to us.

Thank you for hanging in there with me as I know days I can be difficult!! Thank you for everything!

I love you than, now, and forever!