First of all let me start off explaining what is PPCD?
PPCD is Preschool Programs for Children with Disabilities. Disabilities range from mild to serve(from Google).
Where in our case our son had a speech delay and wasn't where he needed to be at for his age. So we had to decide as parents to get him the help early on, before he got even older, and when before he starts kindergarten.
With that being said, I started noticing something was up during our outings as the other kids the same age as my son was advance in the speech area, but no matter what he got what he wanted to say to me or them across in his own way or what he wanted to do next. As days went by I knew I needed to mention this to the doctor at our next visit while mommy guilt was kicking in as I thought I did something wrong or I didn't help him when I need it too. So the journey started after his third birthday/3rd birthday wellness check up with a list from the doctor along with phone calls needed to be made on my end as well as appointments soon begin to be scheduled from getting ears/hearing check, to the dentist to check his tongue or lip, and getting an evaluation within the school district to see if he fits the requirements to start their program. He was all clear from the dentist, hearing test came out not so good which it being that they found some congestion in one of his ears and soon after he came down with a sickness of an ear infection so that was an return appointment. Again the time came to go back to get an hearing test done and it was somewhat better beside pressure being low in the right ear so back for another appointment yet again. In between all this the PPCD team call for an evaluation we went to their office met with a few ladies in different field to test my much was said within an hour and so much peperwork was given within the two times that we all met, and all I remember was hearing my son may have Austim...WHAT! Tears were shed, a lot and prayers were said, but in my heart I knew my son was not showing signs of Austim and he just need it help with speech and that was it. At that time it was crazy, but I now understand that Austim falls under many spectrum now. And for my son met the requirements to start the program PPCD at our zoned elementary school....but was mommy and daddy ready to let go, and get our son the help early.....WELL.....
I'm proud to say a year later he's in the program, and this was one of the hardest of many decision to come our way to make as parents and first time at that. Before starting the program we met with his teachers and saw his classroom and he fit right on in, and they made all of us feel welcome and ensure us that this will be great for him. Well last year on his first day I shed a tear or two and by his third day he was getting off the car and waving bye to me and off he went. Now here we are a year later with a new teacher, same teacher assistant as last year, same classroom, and same hours and a boy who has come a very long way! He's not only proven to everyone on how hard he's working everyday, but getting the tubes in his ears in October has helped out a lot. You know it's only been 2 months since getting the tubes, and we have notice a big change such as sentence are starting to come out, more words, and to top it off potty training is in full effect and he's is in underwear throughout the day and at school still working on the outings and need to work on nighttime but hey it's a start.
Last of all this journey is not over yet for us nor for our son, but it has been very successful so far. He still has one more year in PPCD before he starts kindergarten, and I can't wait to give you yet another update so stay tuned. As well as another update on his tubes, and how is progress is going will be up in 6 months or even on his one year anniversary and I have a feeling that will be just as good.
P.S. Thanks for reading! Thanks for sticking around as this posted wasn't easy, but I'm glad I'm fianlly able to share it because I know we are not alone in this journey with my son. As well as never compare your child with others you know when your child needs help in something, or something is wrong because let's face it mothers knows best.