Thursday, March 9, 2017

My Dear Two in half year old

What are we going to do with this time that is going by so fast. I remember when your daddy and I held your little self for the first time like it was yesterday, and now you are a growing boy a toddler at that. It makes my heart sad a little that my once baby boy is now a growing toddler, but than the things I see you do and how you have growing so much makes my heart happy. Since your second birthday in September to now being at the half mark of your second birthday has been a journey of learning new things, testing patience, and enjoying life!

Now my two in half year old son things have change from you wanting or trying to do things by yourself, to being a car and truck lover, a paw partol fan, a dancing machine, and everything involving racing and counting down at the starting line. You have also gone to your third movie theater trip to see lego batman which was a successful one beside the last 10 minutes...we will take it. Also went to your first quinceañera where you showed everyone your moves and precious memories where made that night. You have also been introduced to the big boy potty and we are slowly, but surely working on that as a team. You also love your puzzles, coloring, and just cuddling with us on the bed and watch tv, oh yeah playing rough with daddy, and keep us on our toes!

Finally my love as you are growing up I promise to continue to enjoy the good and bad days. To teach you something new everyday and continue to be proud of you as each day you have picked up on something or doing something different.

Now let's sit back and enjoy the next 6 months before you turn three on me!!



P.S. Stay tuned his next letter will be in September.

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