Thursday, December 1, 2016

Thanksgiving day/weekend

Hello everyone! Better late than never..Right??? So here is my little recap on how my thanksgiving/weekend was.

My mother and her husband came to spend the night with us for a few days plus she help me with Thanksgiving since I was hosting again. Thanksgiving day was a blast especially with a winning from our football team...Go Cowboys! We had so much food, dessert and everything was oh so good. After lunch/early dinner, we head out to the stores about 9:00pm and we were done by 10:00pm, yes only took us an hour and three stores. We got deals and some gifts out the way, but still got some shopping to do. Than we enjoyed Friday with my mom, had breakfast, went to two more stores, made a little bbq because thanksgiving leftovers were so overrated! Saturday morning my mom and her husband left to go visit a family member. We got the house in order to bring out our Christmas stuff, once done we put our Christmas tree up(other blog posted) and enjoying christmas music, and I must add I been watching Christmas movies since the being on November...hehehe hey I can't help it this is my favorite time of year.

Now that thanksgiving is done, is starting to feel a lot like Christmas and we are getting cooler weather...Yay!!

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving like my family and I did! This was our second Thanksgiving in our house and to many more!!


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