Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A Toddler Pinterest Project, was it A Pass or a Fail?

Today pinterest project was Lego Painting...Which was a complete pass until I saw paint around my son's mouth, yeah not to worry he's fine after a wipe down he was back at it again. Since having a kid and having Lego around the  house I honestly thought they could only be used to count with, color learning, building things, and oh yeah step on them in the middle of the night when you are half of sleep(they hurt). I never thought lego could be use for painting and who knew it would be so much fun...thanks pinterest for yet another great project idea. Here is what you need:

Legos(I used three, one for each color) Note: you could use any size and any color

Now the fun part, pour your paint onto the tablecloth(shower curtain easy to clean) or paper plate. Start painting I must say I got into as well.

Here are a few pictures of our Lego's Painting

This was so much fun and can't wait to do it again! 


P.S. First day of fall is Thursday come back and see what painting with a twist I have store to kick off Fall!! 

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