Tuesday, March 22, 2016

A month from today I will be 30

A month from today I will be 30, but before the times comes I will enjoy my last days in my 20s and make the most of it. 20s have been good to me and I'm excited to see what my 30s have in store for me. Each day I get is a blessing and the greatest gift from God and only hope, pray he bless me with many more days/birthdays with my family and loved ones.

Before I say goodbye to my 20s I would like to share the important memories that happen to me in my 20s:

Married 22 and still married 
Had a baby boy
Bought a house
And so much more

I also would like to share with you that I have learn a lot from before to even after becoming a mommy. I now know that you can't force people to like you, nor accepted you for who you are and it's ok because at the end I am loved by many. Beside that be who you are because either way being fake is never good, and people well my loved ones love me for me and I don't need to be fake to them for them to like me. Another thing I have learn will this is after becoming a mommy is everything is about my little family, and making memories for them, with them, and involving the ones that want to be in our memory and make memories with us. Than becoming a homeowner it's nice from an apartment and so much more space...oh I love it or shall I say we loved it!

Now that my 20s are coming closer to an end I will continue to enjoy the last month, and be thankful for everything that has happen in my 20s! I have lived, learn, enjoy every moment, made memories, and I will do the same in my 30s.

I will close 20s with a bang and welcome 30s on April 22th with a bigger bang....so stay tuned!!


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