Tuesday, August 4, 2015

House Shopping

We are in the process for the last month house shopping, even longer! We had saved and saved money, been going to realtor after until my husband called one realtor and he was the right fit. Well it came that time our lease is almost up, and we called to talk to a loan officer and realize that he and our realtor knew we are serious and ready to get a house. See our plan was to moved out and have a house before we had a baby, well plans didn't work that way and was blessed with a baby sooner.

Now here we are...lease almost up, one bedroom is small for the three of us, and parking is a pain coming home, but we made it work for the first year with our son and now he's almost one and getting bigger and getting more things...lol. Last year we were supposed to moved out, but by the time our son was born our lease was up and there was no way I wanted to packed with a newborn and recovering from a c-section and moved all at the same time and we didn't and so happy we didn't moved.

Finally House Shopping has been going on for the last month on weekends and sometimes weekdays with meeting my husband and realtor during lunchtime. I pick out houses show my husband since we got the same style, and Saturday August 1st we met our realtor and went on a tour of the houses I had picked out. We looked at the first one fell love with it and than on to the other houses but as we looked at the other houses we couldn't take our mind off the first one!!!!

So before we went our separate ways to start the weekend off we went ahead and told our realtor to place a offer and hope she takes....well stay tuned!!


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