Monday, February 9, 2015

Late posted, but better late than never!!

This is such a late posted, but I would like to share that my son celebrated 5 months of life on earth and with us on February 5th!!

5 months into being new parents to our first child and I can honestly say it's the best job ever, and I would not have it any other way. Everyday and chance I get with my son is a blessing and I fall more in love with this little guy more and more each passing day. It's also rewarding that I'm able to be a stay at home mommy and wife on top of that, and times it's not easy but I'm loving it and enjoying it because not many mommies and wives are able to say that or be a stay at home mommy/wife.

So 5 months in he loves to grab his toes and loves to look at his hands. Baby food has been introduce but has not been easy but we are not giving up. Mickey mouse and music videos are on the top of the list. When you wake up in the morning you make an owl sound to wake mommy and daddy up and it's just to funny. As well as when we walk to your crib, you turn your head to act like you are a sleep. You drink water out of a sippy cup. You love to giggle every once in awhile and mommy got in on video finally. You are getting the hang of rolling over and with practice you will get it down. You love your jump-roo and you play mat because you get the kick the piano, and love to be carry in the backpack! Oh yeah you love bath time and love splashing the water to mommy and daddy.

Can't wait to see what else in store for you, and us and we are enjoying every minute of watching you grow. A few days before you turn 5 months old, you got to ride the swing, went to the park and the aquarium all for the first time, which you loved!

Come back next month to see what else is new with my little family!


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