Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last day of 2013, and what a year

2013 another year it has been and it has been great one and very enjoyable with lots of great memories and life lesson learn.

2013 there is nothing I would change and I welcome 2014 with open arms!

Well let's look back of 2013:

Making memories with friends who are like family.

Friendship growing closer together.

Blessed to have a few best friends who are like sisters to me, and bless to have them in my life. I also just love how they are all different in there own way.

Hanging out with my grandma a lot more

Starting my own little business/it's getting better day by day

Learning how to sew from the best teacher my grandma and her passing down her sewing machine to me.

Getting more and more invlove in crafts

Spending time with my in laws, and mom and of course family

Celebrating another year of my birthday and my husband, as well as seeing friends, family, nieces and nephews celebrate another year.

My husband and I celebrating our fifth wedding anniversary, and looking forward to many more.

Focusing on my weight lost, and I am a lot happier and plan to stick to it, and going to eat right.

Blessed to have and see another day and thankful for god, my life, my husband, friends, and family in my life!

I did my first 5k and enjoy every bit of it, and can't wait to do more

I have many more items but those were a few!!

2013 we will be leaving behind but with a smile! 2014 is going to be another great year and great things and great memories in store for us!

I have learn many things but one things I know for sure is that in 2014 true friends will still be there, and some will go on with their lives without our friendship...it's nothing to be sad because we grow and so does the friendship grow together or it grows apart!

Live life to fullest with a smile because it's just to short! Stress, heartache, and unexpected things come, but just know better days are ahead as long as you keep your head up because everything will be good!

Goodbye 2013 hello 2014! :)


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