Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My thought of the day

I just hate when a person can call another person only when they need something or money, other than that no word is heard from that know it doesn't hurt to pick up the phone and just say hello or how are you doing, instead of can you do this, or that, and my favorite can I barrow $20.00!

Trust me I don't mind at all but come on, one minute I can see that person and than when someone new comes into their life not one word is heard from that person, until they need something. I am a very kind heart person but I hate to be taking advantage of!!

How many of you have that same problem?


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Awkward moment

I feel so bad still after I ask my husband if he got the item in front of our friend/family that gave it to him....I was just wondering but no problem if we forgot because there was always a next time. You know my husband just told me not to worry because it didnt bother them but how do I know for sure, even if I was just doing my part and just reminding my husband!

I hope they are not mad and know I was just reminding my husband and them as well as seeing if he had it, I just know next time I will pull my husband aside.

Talking about awkward moment but I know my friend/family didn't take it the wrong way, and I am the one worry over here like crazy because they still love me!! :)


Friday, August 10, 2012

A year ago

This time last year we took our first trip to Las Vegas! We left on August 13 of last year, and I know it won't be a year till Monday but last year it was a Saturday. Vegas was our first trip together as a married couple and it won't be our last, a matter of fact if everything goes well we will be up there celebrating my husband 30th birthday next year.

Well lets go down memory lane of our trip....we stayed at Vdara which was awesome, we tour the strip, the malls, and even saw a show and had a nice dinner, we also went to the Hoover dam.....our time up there was just amazing!


My miscarriage...I need to say how I feel

You know I never really talk about this but I have been thinking about this lately.

2 years ago in April two days after my birthday I had went to the doctor due to leg pains, but come to find out I was pregnant. When the doctor determined that I was, I was in shocked and at the same time I wanted to take a test to see the result and yup I was expecting.....I was by myself and I was happy and completely in shocked! In the meantime the husband didn't know yet until he had a chance to call me and when he did, I was parked in the parking lot at the doctor office still...I told him and he was shocked and happy! After awhile I left the doctor office and stop at my aunt house to visit and tell her the good news she was thrilled, and than out of nowhere I had blood coming out and I was in a lot of pain....I left her house, and stop at an obg/yn by my home and try to make an appointment and (I will never forget this) I told the receptionist and she said oh dear you need to go the hospital. From there I left that office and went home and called the hubby right away and within 30 minutes he was there. You know during the drive to the hospital I would hold his hand tight and pray that nothing was wrong, we checked in and went from seeing doctors after doctors and exams after came out at the end that I lost our child!

It may have been two years but I still blame myself for losing our child, and when we found out I was expecting we were beyond thrilled but in the matter of hours it from us being happy to crying because of the sad news.

To our child,

I may not have been that far long, we didn't know if you where a girl or a boy, but that day We found out I knew we would be ready for you when we would welcome you into the world. But that day my world had change completely and I knew god did this for a reason, and when we are ready it will happen and we will be amazing parents to a little girl or a little boy!!

Beside all that going on all on the same know that saying what breaks you only makes you stronger....well this saying is true for my husband and I, it may us stronger and love each other more each day!!
