Monday, January 14, 2019

2019 is here, but here is the highlights from 2018

Hello 2019! First month is almost over but would love to share the highlights, the highs, and lows from 2018. In no order here is what happen in 2018

Hubby turn the big 35
Our son had his first minor surgery(tubes in his ears)
Potty training came in full effect
Texas Renaissance Festival visit which was a first for a couple we went with
My son is doing wonderful in the ppcd program
More words, sentences, and much more are starting to come out
He's using his imagination a lot more
My husband and I celebrated 10 years of marriage
We took him bowling for the first time(many first still happening for his age)
My son has become a movies lover like us and we made a lot of visit to see movies
So much more was made but this is what I Oh yeah....

My son is going to be a big brother!!! That's right in 2018 we found out we would be a family a four in early 2019. As well as it's a boy hint my blog name Queen of the Boyhood as I'm outnumbered and totally running with and love being love by my boys. Spoiled and blessed as I like to put it.

Well stay tuned for a first pregnancy/baby bump updated!!
