Monday, July 10, 2017

It's just a stage, It will pass...I hope!

For the last month in half I have told myself it would pass, it's just a stage he's having.

Wonder what the stage is? Well he's taking it back to the newborn stage getting up at 11 and every hour after that until 3. He would go from a deep sleep to waking up out of nowhere from it, and there is some nights he would cry and some nights just lay there and talk or move to our bed. And a matter of fact he would also cry when I tell him it's bedtime and when we need to move him to his bed, and I mean cry with tears coming out. Also I must mention he's in our room but in his bed so when he wakes up he will crawl into our bed, which my husband wants to leave him in our bed. Than I will move him, because let's face it I don't want to start something that's going to be hard to break because I already want to move him to his own room, but this happen so now we are at a STOP!

Now coming from one tired mommy I'm hoping this is just a stage, and it will eventually passed so we can work on moving him to his room. Daddy is all for him staying in our room and laying in our bed when that happens. But this mommy is saying NO, and won't break down because this will become a habit and it will be hard to break. I have lost sleep because I get up and move him back to his bed and continue to do so until he goes back to sleep and won't wake up till the morning time. And since it's been going on for about month in half it can be everyday, or some nights but still I'm losing sleep, he's losing and I'm still fighting him for to back to his bed.

Finally, we are in a new month I hope this stage will passed soon and it will back to normal!! Stay tuned to see how this stage is doing for us and to see if he's now in our bed or continue to be in his bed!!
