Saturday, November 11, 2017

Planning a Party outside your home with your own touches

Planning a party? Using a venue? Want to  used your decorations ideas?

If the answer is YES, than let's talk! Now and days venue are allowing you to bring little to as much as you want in your decorations with of course rules attach to it as well. Even some allow you to bring in anything expect for the food and drinks, and some allow you to be everything.

This pass September I along with my husband was planning on hosting my son's third birthday at the house, had the theme, and all the ideas I wanted to do for the party. But than my son had grew so much interest in Chuck E Cheese leading up to his birthday that we decided to have his party there. And I must say I did have the theme, decorations, and birthday shirt including mommy and daddy shirts ready since March yes March(half birthday mark), and within the months I made a number 3 and letter J along with a fabric garland.

So with that being said we had it outside our home and at a venue and before booking I ask all the question I needed to ask, what we could or not bring. Once booked 60 days out I had more of an idea what I wanted for him, and everything we bought back in March was used.
Chuck E Cheese allows you to bring in your own cake, ice cream, goodies bags, plates, napkins, and decorations. My mom helped with the centerpieces, we had a paw patrol birthday book for the guest to sign, I ordered paw prints crayons from fun shaped crayons along with paw patrol coloring books. I also got water bottles from dollar tree and my mom made vinyl paw prints to put on it. A sweet mommy friend made a few cutouts for me, and made the cake when the dogs on the cake from the dollar tree. Oh and I must say she did a very good job and it was a very tasteful even better the next day with a cold glass of milk. 

Than after our party, and we saw how much my son and the guest enjoyed themselves we were not disappointed, and actually glad we choose to have it at a venue. I still was able to make it our own by adding the touches but at the end it was memorable for everyone who came. Everyone who came saw the tables when they came to the back and gave me so many wonderful compliments. I couldn't help to smile because I so wanted to have it at the house because I thought I was limited having it outside our home but I was not. Oh yeah and daddy sat back and let me do my thing and was there to put his opinions in.

Fainlly, let's go back to the questions from the beginning: Planning a party? Using a venue? Want to use your decorations ideas? 
I'm here to say go for it, its less stressful  well kind of! Ask your questions whatever venue you are going to use! Once done have fun planning and making it your own!!


P.S. Here are some pictures from my son's 3rd birthday party at Chuck E Cheese!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

9 years of marriage and still the best decision

Saying "I do" to you 9 years ago was, and still is the best decision I made. Within the last 9 years wonderful memories have been made for us, and I can't wait to see what's store for us in the future. We have had our differences, but at the end we have come out stronger. A few times our marriage had been tested, but we have overcome it. And after everything the love we have is still there for one another, and it's only getting stronger from here on out.

Thank you for loving me the way you do!
Thank you for making me your everything!
Thank you for spoiling  me everyday!
Thank you for all you do for me!
Most of all thank you for making this our marriage so worth it!

Happy 9th Wedding Anniversary my love! I thank God everyday for our marriage, and for you. Everyday I get with you is such a blessing that I look forward to the next day and the future.

Here is to than, now and forever!

Love you forever and always!!

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Colortime Crafts: Halloween Tote

Colortime Crafts and Markers offer fun and easy crafts to do with your child or children. Make it fun by seeing everyone create they own masterpiece and see it come to life. We had the opportunity to test and create our very own masterpiece with the Glow in the dark Halloween bag. My 3 year old even got to help me and we both enjoyed working on the bag. I even love how it came with three fabric markers purple, orange, and green...easy to use to easy to closed for myself my son needed it help. It also look so fun seeing our work finish and glowing in the dark. We had our bag, fabric markers and instructions on what do before coloring our bag. A fold a paper towel in half to stick inside the bag and color away. On the instructions it says you can used paper towels if you liked and let me tell you it worked!
Here are my pictures

A little more about is they offer Party Supplies reasonable prices. Perfect for birthday parties, sleepover, etc. They offer pillowcases, t-shirts, backpacks, permanent fabric markers, and more. New special glow-in-the-dark ink items available! Clean, easy, and affordable crafts activity that doubles as a unique keepsake! For savings, join our "Birthday Club" and receive 20% off and a free backpack, with your order at

Click On the Link Below for the Latest Online Special offers and promo codes to Colortime Crafts  


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Hello October! Goodbye September

September was a memorable with ending August with a bang thanks Hurriance Harvey(posted coming soon), than celebrating my son's third birthday as well as making many more memories together. And of course finishing off September with a first visit to the Renassicane festival for opening weekend for my son and for us with a child. 

Now Hello October! I'm in Texas and waiting for the cooler weather to come our way, enjoy the fall festival that our city has to offer, and lots more outside time with my little guy! It's the first of the month and I'm already excited and can't wait to see what this month has to offer. As well looking forward to making memories visiting the pumpkin patch, and seeing my little guy dress up for Halloween and going trick or treat! Than of course one step closer to the Holidays I love Thanksgiving and Christmas, but first counting down to our 9 year Wedding Anniversary a month from today. We started October with a bang attending our first football game for my son and I, we are cowboys fan and we went to cheer for the Texans, and they won. Hope we can end October great and start November off even better.

Beside that I'm on a weight lost journey I refuse to celebrate our Annivesary with the extra weight I put on. New month, new journey, new goal, stay tuned to see if I do become successful with this!


P.S. Picture from wonderful Google! 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Happy 3rd birthday to my little guy

3 years ago you were born! 3 years ago we became proud parents to you! 3 years ago our wonderful adventure begin!

Now 3 years later we are beyond proud parents!  3 years of laughter! 3 years of loving you! 3 years of you loving us! 3 years of cuddles and kisses! 3 years of never a dull moment! 3 years of good times! 3 years of thanking God for blessing us with you, and we will continue to thank him. 3 years of wonderful memories and a lifetime to go!

Happy 3rd birthday to our baby boy! Dada and I love you and will always love you. These 3 years have been the best 3 years of our lives. You are our rainbow baby, our miracle, and we will forever cherish each moment and memory made with you. We hope today you have the best day and may you be bless with many more!

Dada and Mama

P.S. Dentist appointment for his 3rd birthday check up. Dentist and assistant were compeletly proud of him on good he did and was. Than we started with our yearly birthday traditions with a trip to toys r us for a new toy, a cupcake from our local bakery than dinner at Hooters ended it with them singing and a picture.

Until next year!

Monday, August 7, 2017

My toddler who is barely talking, and he's almost three

Yes, my toddler is almost three and barely talking, not completely talking but is saying more words everyday. He also does say a few sentences such as Dada where my shoes, Goodnight mama and dada. Everyday we work with him or I work with him since I'm at home with him.  Now let's rewind to last September at his second birthday check up with the doctor. Everything is going fine until the words come out of the Doctor she is worry about him as he's a little behind with his speech, let me mention to you he just turn 2 four days before. I heard those words and as a mommy, his mommy I felt like I failed him, and myself as his mommy. She refer him to a speech specialist, and they would call me to schedule appointment with him soon. We left I cried as I thought something was wrong with my son, I had to called dada and he ensure me everything was fine and he will be fine. Speech specialist was scheduled for October we went and he did his thing at the end of the appointment, the specialist were impress with him and he was fine!

Now here we are almost three weeks shy from his third birthday. Yes third birthday and yes I have notice that my son has been working hard since last year, and yes he can communicate with us when he's hurt, sad, happy, want something, when hungry, and so much more. He also says more words each day, and he does get stress out when we want him to say a word or work with him, but he's trying and doesn't give him. Also just the other day daddy sneeze and he out of nowhere said Blessed you dada...of course dada and I were in shock, and was so proud of him like we are everyday.

We praise him everyday when he does something such as a high five, clapping or awesome job baby boy!

You know he almost three but I have learn not to stress! So as a mommy to another mommy if you are in my shoes know you are not alone. Know you have not failed as a mommy or failed him. Know he has not failed. And most importantly I know my son goes at his own peace and still is,  and if your child may be doing the same, know everything will be ok!

So hang in there!

Coming from a mommy who is a first timer and thought she failed as a mommy and her son. I didn't!!


P.S. This was hard to write but I need to share my journey with y'all!

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Welcome to Marriage mix with Motherhood

Welcome to my blog! 

Marriage mix with Motherhood will be about exactly what the title says plus life in general including the fun, the good, the bad, the struggles, and most importantly the memories that were made in my marriage, as a mother, and as family. So stay tuned as this name will be around for a while as I feel like it goes perfect with where I'm at in life and who I am, and beside marriage and motherhood, you will also find out more of myself and who I am. 

So as I am finishing up this posted I welcome the followers I had and the new ones! 

I hope you guys stick around and enjoy my journey of Marriage mix with Motherhood with me!


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Hello August, Goodbye July

July was good to us celebrated my mom birthday, catch a movie, celebrated a good friend daughter's 15 birthday which we were the sponsor of the ring. I kept up somewhat with the treadmill. Also kept my little busy with some fun playdates with some friends or it was just us. And of course due to the heat here in Texas we got my windows tinted on the my car so it can be cooler for not only myself but for my son as well. Than a few good friends celebrated their birthdays. A baby boy was born. Fianlly my husband started bonding more by making a movie date here at home while with our son or while he's asleep either way we are spending time together. As well we ended July by taking my son's 3rd birthday photo shoot.

Now August is here and I am day 2 with working out on the treadmill! Stay tuned for an updated at the end of the month!


Monday, July 10, 2017

It's just a stage, It will pass...I hope!

For the last month in half I have told myself it would pass, it's just a stage he's having.

Wonder what the stage is? Well he's taking it back to the newborn stage getting up at 11 and every hour after that until 3. He would go from a deep sleep to waking up out of nowhere from it, and there is some nights he would cry and some nights just lay there and talk or move to our bed. And a matter of fact he would also cry when I tell him it's bedtime and when we need to move him to his bed, and I mean cry with tears coming out. Also I must mention he's in our room but in his bed so when he wakes up he will crawl into our bed, which my husband wants to leave him in our bed. Than I will move him, because let's face it I don't want to start something that's going to be hard to break because I already want to move him to his own room, but this happen so now we are at a STOP!

Now coming from one tired mommy I'm hoping this is just a stage, and it will eventually passed so we can work on moving him to his room. Daddy is all for him staying in our room and laying in our bed when that happens. But this mommy is saying NO, and won't break down because this will become a habit and it will be hard to break. I have lost sleep because I get up and move him back to his bed and continue to do so until he goes back to sleep and won't wake up till the morning time. And since it's been going on for about month in half it can be everyday, or some nights but still I'm losing sleep, he's losing and I'm still fighting him for to back to his bed.

Finally, we are in a new month I hope this stage will passed soon and it will back to normal!! Stay tuned to see how this stage is doing for us and to see if he's now in our bed or continue to be in his bed!!


Monday, June 26, 2017

A little updated

Hello!! Here is an updated on my end:

My husband as been down in the dumps almost every weekend for the month on May and most of June. Either he's just tired with work, stress, back pain, or sick so on weekends we would start our day but end up back home after a few hours. Than to top it off my son was sick in the mix of daddy being down so lack of sleep on my end trying to get those two better. Also my son has a stage he's in(which a posted will be up about that very soon). So we have been having something going on each weekend and it has either been for the family or a birthday party for my son to go too(he's got a great social life where mommy and daddy just tagged along). May and June came and gone..May we celebrate mother's day which was a great weekend. Than father's day came in June, my husband had a wonderful father's day. We also attended a concert on father's day which we turn father's day into a date night for us, and it ended at 1 in the morning. Pitbull and Enquire put on one great show and to top it off we enjoyed a sushi date before the show, best date night in a while and a mememorable one...cant wait for the next date night. Finally not least last week we celebrated my father in law birthday with a little dinner and cake at their house and my son got to help grandpa blow out his candles. Also we are ended June with a bang with two birthday parties of my son's friends who are all the same age, well just about with my son being 3 in September.  Two amazing birthday parties and a wonderful time for my little guy and us.

So yeah here is and was an little update from myself!! Stay tuned to see what July has in store for us also in the mix of all this getting things ready for my little guy birthday in September.


Monday, May 15, 2017

Happy 3rd Mother's day to me

Almost three years ago the good Lord blessed me to be a mommy. Since than the journey of motherhood has had it ups and downs, the good and the bad, but most of all it has come with a lifetime of memories, endless love and a lot of laughter in the mix. I have not only been  blessed to be this little guy mommy, but I'm forever grateful. He's my everything who has taught me about a different kind love, and has and still is teaching me as I go.

I'm his mommy and his eyes I see his true love he has for me! For that I love you my little guy and I will always and forever love you! Being your mommy is one of my greatest gifts, and I will forever cherish, be thankful, be grateful, and counting my blessings!

P.S. Hope everyone had a great mother's day!


Thursday, May 11, 2017

About small shop Twinkle Twinkle Lil' Jar

Hello! Have you heard of small shop Twinkle Twinkle Lil' Jar?
If not I'm here to tell you about the shop, and their products. Twinkle Twinkle Lil' Jar started up back in 2013 by a mommy named Alexis. Alexis runs everything and design everything you will see in her shop. She hands dipped each beautiful tumblers, mugs, water bottles, stainless coffee mugs, even mommy and me matching set, also customs design, so if you have a design send her an email and she will come up with something that you surely will love. While either getting a custom cup made or choosing one from the shop know that the glitter is hand dipped by her, if choose to have glitter as well as each cup is design to your taste. So be prepare it will take up to one or two weeks to get your order ship out to you as she does have a family of her own and each product is by her own hands.

With that being said I was giving the opportunity to test out two of her items that she offers in her shop. It was a wine glass, and a water bottle. Let me start off with the wine glass it was personalized with the color glitter I wanted, awesome work on the glitter. You may ask the question does the glitter come off when wet or when washing the glass?!? And the answer is not at all I have washed the glass many times and I have had a cold drink in it, and the glitter doesn't come off nor rub off not even the decal. You can also pick what you want on your glass decal wise from her shop already or custom by sending her a quick email, which you will get a response as soon as possible. Perfect for any mom who wants to take a break or try to take a break with the I have mom off duty wine glass. You know my mom off duty wine glass was perfect for me as I was trying to enjoy a evening watching TV and relaxing in my bed with my favorite lotion, of couse some crazy in the background.


A few of my favorite items 

Trying to relaxed but I got crazy going on in the background 

My mangoanda in my favorite wine glass 

Last not least my personalized water bottle! Which I love and so lightweight to carry in my son's background or by hand. I have filled it up with ice water, and have took it with me to the trampoline park here in our town. I had the decal that says Wifey and Mama in lime green my favorite color and silver glitter at the bottom. I'm proud and blessed to be those two, and I'm proud to carry this bottle around to show it off and show who I am. Again I stated above I have washed the bottle out when done and no problem whatsoever.

My son showing up my new water bottle 

Mommy and son drink 

My son having fun in the back

Twinkle Twinkle Twinkle Lil' Jar product quality is outstanding and I will for sure 
order products from her shop, or even recommend her to my friends, to you my readers, and even in the groups I am in.

Please do check her shop as she always offering special and even follow her on Facebook and instagram.


Monday, May 1, 2017

My April went we say Hello May

My April went like this:

My grandma celebrated another year of life

We celebrated Easter

We celebrated my 31st birthday by making a trip to the beach first time for my son. Also had a nice lunch there and we had my little cousin who I took care of at 6 weeks old is now 10. As well finish the day with a nice dinner. The next morning enjoyed a breakfast and than menudo at my lunch.

I also able to be blessed with some blogging opportunities.

We also remember the life of my uncle who became an angel a year ago on April 20th.

Overall my April was a memorable one and now we say Hello May!


Thursday, April 27, 2017

All board...Choo, Choo

Do you have a train lover? Are you in the market for a train set? Are you in the market in general for toys that fit your child age?

Well if the answer is yes to all the above no need to look no further than Cubbie Lee Toys Company.

Cubbie Lee Toys Company cater to children of all ages. I'm a mommy to an almost three years old boy who is obsession with anything that moves, make sounds, is loud, and of course cars, trucks and trains of all sizes and so much more. Boys and their toys, lol!

With that being said I was given the opportunity from Cubbie Lee Toys Company to review a toy that fit my son age. These are and will be my honest opinions and my pictures.

As I stated before my son is into anything that moves, makes sounds, is loud, and of course cars, trucks, trains of all sizes and so much more.

My son got to test out the train set that Cubbie Lee Toys Company had to offer. The train set came in a good size box, and everything was wrap or bag well with easy instructions on how to assemble the set and of course how many pieces for each section which was letter. After opening each package/bag, figuring out what was what, and looking at the instruction daddy was ready to set it up with the help of my myself and the little guy. Honestly, I'm not sure who was more excited about the train set, but I surely enjoyed watching my husband put yet another thing together for our son. I love how we work as a team, my husband would describe a piece and tell me what letter it was and than ask for the next thing...note while putting the train set together you will need a screw driver to screw in 4 nails. Once train set was assemble, we started putting all the accessories out that came with our train set. Beside the train set being so easy to work with the accessories that came with it was just to cute and so easy to put together as well. I love how we had trees, vehicles, a gas station, people, signs, railroad crossing, a few buildings, as well as two houses. It was fun as we had our very own little train set with a little town all in one plus the train set came with three trains to start off with, a bridge to go on and a house on the track to go through.

Let the imagination start!!! 

Now everything was set up and the fun part begin! I must say deep down inside both my husband and I enjoyed playing with it as well. I also love how my son made the sound Choo, Choo as he was moving the train around. And matter fact it's set up on our dinning room table, and he can only reach all of it with our help. You know when grandma saw the picture she is now in the market to get her baby boy his very own train table. Finally, once my son was asleep for the night, I was able to take it down with no problem, and put right back in the box where it came in. How cool is that no other box needed and easy to put away and store...a mother's dream come true, thank you Cubbie Lee Toys Company.

Here are a few pictures of the train set, my boys, and my little one! Enjoy! 

Interest in getting this train set here is the direct link: 

Also the direct link to their website: 

Don't forget to follow them on Facebook: 

Hope you enjoy your Cubbie Lee Toys just has much as my son did and still does with his train set. 

Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Mom life by River Babe Threads

Everyone live and does mom life different and no one is perfect, but every mom out there is doing a wonderful job. Every just want a shirt to show people you are about that mom life, well look no further than River Babe Threads. It's a shop for not only us moms, but also for the rest of the family with some amazing stuff. And at the moment she has a special line for mother's day, so not sure what to get that special lady in your life well here you go.

I was given an amazing opportunity to wear one of those Mom life shirts, and let me tell you I wear it proud. Mom life for me is 24/7, as I'm a stay at home mom. My life is getting up at 5 in the morning send my husband off to work with breakfast and coffee, sometimes a workout, sometimes my son wakes up early and does not nap at all. Mom life has it days where I need a bottle of something strong and a bubble bath ok maybe just a nice hot Everyday that I get of being a mom I count them as a blessing and thankful even the tough/rough days because let's be honest those days patience can be tested, but hey that mom life! 

With that being said River Babe Threads shirts are made with great material, and some shirts run big and some run true to size. The mom shirt I own is a little big on me, but I make it work and it is so comfortable. You know there is not only cute shirts for us mom, there is also a line for the dads(hint father's day is around the corner), and of course a cute line for the kids. Check out the shirt my son's is wearing out to lunch:

And here is pictures of me!  This is everyday life and what else is a perfect way to captured my mom life shirt with my little man. No photo shoot,  No make up(which is normal, unless something special), hair in a bun, and my eyebrows need to be done. I'm not the one to hide because I want to be honest that some days well most days mom life look like this for me.

Now you need a mom life shirt for yourself or a shirt for your family member or just a gift for someone special head to River Babe Threads. Here is the website:  

Thanks for reading! 


I love mom life!! 

What's my name?

What's my name?

Is what my 2 in half year old is practicing saying and tracing, thanks to Chalk full of design. If you haven't heard of Chalk full of design on, you should go check it out.

The owner is a mommy and wife name Lindsay who wanted to create a simple chalkboard where her and husband could write special notes to each other, than from there she create other things that you will see in her shop that has become very popular.

I had the opportunity to review yet other chalkboard from her shop, and yes these are my honest opinions. I stated above what's my name...well that is what my 2 in half year old is learning as he knows how to say it, but doesn't know how to spell it or trace it just yet. But now thanks to his personalized chalkboard he is on the road to practicing, tracing, and soon he will be able say each letter as he trace it and say it on top of that. As I'm doing this with my son I'm thinking where was this at when I was growing up! I'm so glad that we have this one and the numbers because now we can practice with him, and when he start school he won't have a problem writing his name, numbers as he started at a young age learning. 

I may have started him at a young age but it's not everyday nor all day long he's learning, he's a kid I let him have fun but I do set aside time of learning. As you will see in the pictures I sit with him, help him, and let him try to do it on his own. Especially in one of the picture you will see that he was into it as we were tracing the letters.

Chalk full of designs has learning chalkboards, quotes, even update the baby bump or monthly updates for the baby, she even offers personalized ones, blanks ones, and so much. She also offers package deals as well for two or three chalkboards, and for a few dollars more it will come with a white marker. But not to worry if you don't get the white marker, any chalk will work and to top it off its easy to clean. These chalkboard will grow with my son as he grows, as well as so easy and lightweight to carry and move around.

So head on over to her shop,  look at her products and maybe pick up one or two items from me you will love them as much as we do.


Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter

Happy Easter my wonderful readers!!

Today has been a fun filled day with thanking the Lord for giving us this beautiful day, and for all he has done for us. Than with kicking off with a egg hunt a week ago on Saturday, another one the day before Easter, than one today on Easter with a confetti fight and a kickball game. My son had a lot of practice and has become a pro with getting the eggs...yes at 2 in a half, he's a pro already!  Before the day got started my son found a surprised as well as my husband from the Easter bunny, which they both loved and my son kept saying WOW, look, see, thank you mama and dada...he is just to cute. Again as each day I get I'm always thankful and today was extra special.

It has been a busy week with kicking off my husband three day weekend with a date night for mommy and daddy, to a birthday party/egg hunt, and than today Easter Sunday with more family time with lots more eggs, confetti fight, kickball game, and more goodies from my brother in law to my son.

Easter 2017/weekend was a memorable one and will be unforgettable...can't wait to see what Easter 2018/weekend has in store for us.


P.S Check back on this posted for pictures ! 

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Goodbye March and went like this...Hello April

This is how my March went..well it went great it was busy for sure, but a lot of memories were made.

Well we started with

Had a fun playdate with a friend of our at the trampoline park next to our house.

A mommy and son snocone date

Going to the Rodeo on St. Patrick's day to see 5th Harmony with our green on. My son second time going and a little older from last season. He enjoyed every bit of it and dance like crazy. It was different a memorable experience and a joyous one.

My son got to meet his great grandma on my husband side for the first time

We visit chuck e cheese unexpectedly and he enjoyed it to the fullest didn't even.

Dada took time off from work unexpectedly and much needed. We went to the zoo, rested and the last day we had lunch and went to Chuck E Cheese to have fun with dada.

Dada made bbq for us and enjoy a beautiful day outside with a few drinks.

Another than these things we relaxed a lot, watch a few good movies and laugh a lot as a family. As well as my work out is still going...not as strong but still going.

How was your March?


Now that April is here..let's say hello to April!! Stay tuned to see what's in store for us.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Our Rodeo Adventure with a toddler plus tips

Hello all! This passed Friday we went on a little adventure to the Rodeo, it was the second time going but first time this season. As we attend Rodeo each year it will be different experience as we have a growing little boy going with us. 

Here it goes but first lets rewind to last year, last year we went with a 1 in a half year old with a lot more stuff in troll with us plus a little boy who was just amazes with everything and still is and was barely learning how to talk. Now our 2017 rodeo adventure kicked off with daddy getting off of work early and we headed out. Tip 1: If you plan on going during spring break especially on a Friday and staying for the performance, get there around four.... It was a perfect time for a toddler. We found our designated parking lot since we had a parking pass and parked right up front across from the stadium. Got my son off the car, unloaded the diaper bag, and our stroller. Yes a stroller Tip 2: Take a lightweight stroller that folds easily and can be store easily under your chairs during the performance. All set up we head to the gates to check in and get our fun started. Tip 3: If carrying a diaper bag please have all the pockets open so they could scan though and make the process quick. Tip 4: One parent per a stroller. Tip 5: Have all things out of pockets and in the bucket so you could go though the metal detector quickly. Once we were clear from all that we were now on the grounds for our adventure. 

Tip 6: They have this right when you walked in plus information booths with volunteers handing out visitors guide booklets with maps and vendors in it. Also a wheelchair and scooter vendor, and maps all over the grounds.


Food, Rides, Games, Animals, Shops, Cowboys, Cowgirls, Music and Cold drinks oh my where do we start! Our adventure started with stopping at the information booth and talk to a volunteer who offer to help us find our next spot, and handed us a visitors guide with some helpful information which includes maps, food, and all the vendors on the grounds. Once we were done talking to him we took our son inside the NRG arena to the petting zoo where he try to ride a goat, yes a goat. Tip 7: When heading to the petting zoo it's free to get in, but no food or drinks allowed. Also there is a little fee if you like to feed the animals. As well as a stroller parking. Once we were done there we continued to walked the arena where they offer a lot of cool things for kids in the AGventure area such as honey bees, milking palor, birthing center, rabbits, poultry and so much more, but our favorite beside the petting zoo was the pony rides and pony pictures(small fee for both). Here is a picture of my little guy on the pony, yes we purchased the picture as it was just to cute not to get it. From there we walked the other side where the vendors were at to look around. 

Once done with that part we took a walked outside by this time we had already been there for two hours, they say time flies by when you are having fun and it's true it does! As we were walking we were hungry so we settle for a turkey leg and a sausage on a stick with a drink....all of us ate off of that because it was so big and so good. Tip 8: You could bring drinks and snacks inside the grounds, great for a toddler.  

More walking around as well as took more pictures, and ate things that we all enjoyed sorry no pictures got to into My boys saw model cars and had to take a look at the newer mustang as my husband loves mustang and well my son just loves cars and I happen to captured this cute picture. 

After that we stop by the famous reliant boot to captured a picture of us because that was the cool thing to do. 

Than we went inside the stadium to get ready for the livestock show, and the performance which was 5th harmony. First time seeing them in concert and it was a great show as well as we enjoyed seeing our dancing machine dance(our son), and of course he needed to get a cool light which he was amazes by it. Also note: 2 years and under are free, but if you have a toddler like mines that he thinks he needs his own chair than get an extra ticket, thankfully we had extra seats around us. Tip 9: Purchased a souvenir cup as they now have refills stations inside the stadium(we bought a cup on the grounds and we took it inside and got our refill(not sure if we could take the cup inside but no one told us anything.) After concert we walked some more before heading home and calling it a night! We made a stop at Kettle Korn of Texas to get a bag of kettle corn...very good and prices are wonderful a small bag is 4, medium is 6, and a large not sure on the price but the bags were a decent size. My favorite place to get kettle corn while there at the rodeo. Here are a few pictures. 

Finally before heading out the gate to our car we took a family photo in front of the Ferris wheel(don't mind my son he loved all the cool lights around him and the one he was holding). While heading to the exit gates we saw a line dance going on it in the middle of the grounds. Hey it's the Rodeo everyone was there for a good time and it happen! 

It was time to say bye to the Rodeo as it was fun, and we had a great time and it was another wonderful experience with my little guy. He was amazed with everything and mama, dada, see, wow, look, counting at the livestock show, trying to ride a goat, dancing with 5th harmony and so much more was all priceless. See you next season with a 3 in a half year old for different experience and first time on the be prepared for us! 

Again until next year,  but first lets give the last 3 tips: 

Tip 10: Packing a diaper bag 
Hand sanitizer 
Hand and face wipes for my little guy 
Extra clothes 
Light sweater just in case it gets cold at night 
Changing pad 
Thermal cup for ice water(which stay cold the whole time we were there)
And of course the lightweight stroller

Tip 11: Wear and dress comfortable 

Tip 12: Enjoy yourself and as a family, and create as many memories as you can

And than we take a selfie, sleep on the way home, and talk about the good time we have and can't wait for next year!


P.S. Please follow me on my blog Facebook page and on Twitter to stay update with me!
