Saturday, November 11, 2017
Planning a Party outside your home with your own touches
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
9 years of marriage and still the best decision
Saying "I do" to you 9 years ago was, and still is the best decision I made. Within the last 9 years wonderful memories have been made for us, and I can't wait to see what's store for us in the future. We have had our differences, but at the end we have come out stronger. A few times our marriage had been tested, but we have overcome it. And after everything the love we have is still there for one another, and it's only getting stronger from here on out.
Thank you for loving me the way you do!
Thank you for making me your everything!
Thank you for spoiling me everyday!
Thank you for all you do for me!
Most of all thank you for making this our marriage so worth it!
Happy 9th Wedding Anniversary my love! I thank God everyday for our marriage, and for you. Everyday I get with you is such a blessing that I look forward to the next day and the future.
Here is to than, now and forever!
Love you forever and always!!
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Colortime Crafts: Halloween Tote
Colortime Crafts and Markers offer fun and easy crafts to do with your child or children. Make it fun by seeing everyone create they own masterpiece and see it come to life. We had the opportunity to test and create our very own masterpiece with the Glow in the dark Halloween bag. My 3 year old even got to help me and we both enjoyed working on the bag. I even love how it came with three fabric markers purple, orange, and green...easy to use to easy to closed for myself my son needed it help. It also look so fun seeing our work finish and glowing in the dark. We had our bag, fabric markers and instructions on what do before coloring our bag. A fold a paper towel in half to stick inside the bag and color away. On the instructions it says you can used paper towels if you liked and let me tell you it worked!
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Hello October! Goodbye September
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Happy 3rd birthday to my little guy
3 years ago you were born! 3 years ago we became proud parents to you! 3 years ago our wonderful adventure begin!
Now 3 years later we are beyond proud parents! 3 years of laughter! 3 years of loving you! 3 years of you loving us! 3 years of cuddles and kisses! 3 years of never a dull moment! 3 years of good times! 3 years of thanking God for blessing us with you, and we will continue to thank him. 3 years of wonderful memories and a lifetime to go!
Happy 3rd birthday to our baby boy! Dada and I love you and will always love you. These 3 years have been the best 3 years of our lives. You are our rainbow baby, our miracle, and we will forever cherish each moment and memory made with you. We hope today you have the best day and may you be bless with many more!
Dada and Mama
P.S. Dentist appointment for his 3rd birthday check up. Dentist and assistant were compeletly proud of him on good he did and was. Than we started with our yearly birthday traditions with a trip to toys r us for a new toy, a cupcake from our local bakery than dinner at Hooters ended it with them singing and a picture.
Until next year!
Monday, August 7, 2017
My toddler who is barely talking, and he's almost three
Yes, my toddler is almost three and barely talking, not completely talking but is saying more words everyday. He also does say a few sentences such as Dada where my shoes, Goodnight mama and dada. Everyday we work with him or I work with him since I'm at home with him. Now let's rewind to last September at his second birthday check up with the doctor. Everything is going fine until the words come out of the Doctor she is worry about him as he's a little behind with his speech, let me mention to you he just turn 2 four days before. I heard those words and as a mommy, his mommy I felt like I failed him, and myself as his mommy. She refer him to a speech specialist, and they would call me to schedule appointment with him soon. We left I cried as I thought something was wrong with my son, I had to called dada and he ensure me everything was fine and he will be fine. Speech specialist was scheduled for October we went and he did his thing at the end of the appointment, the specialist were impress with him and he was fine!
Now here we are almost three weeks shy from his third birthday. Yes third birthday and yes I have notice that my son has been working hard since last year, and yes he can communicate with us when he's hurt, sad, happy, want something, when hungry, and so much more. He also says more words each day, and he does get stress out when we want him to say a word or work with him, but he's trying and doesn't give him. Also just the other day daddy sneeze and he out of nowhere said Blessed you dada...of course dada and I were in shock, and was so proud of him like we are everyday.
We praise him everyday when he does something such as a high five, clapping or awesome job baby boy!
You know he almost three but I have learn not to stress! So as a mommy to another mommy if you are in my shoes know you are not alone. Know you have not failed as a mommy or failed him. Know he has not failed. And most importantly I know my son goes at his own peace and still is, and if your child may be doing the same, know everything will be ok!
So hang in there!
Coming from a mommy who is a first timer and thought she failed as a mommy and her son. I didn't!!
P.S. This was hard to write but I need to share my journey with y'all!
Thursday, August 3, 2017
Welcome to Marriage mix with Motherhood
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Hello August, Goodbye July
July was good to us celebrated my mom birthday, catch a movie, celebrated a good friend daughter's 15 birthday which we were the sponsor of the ring. I kept up somewhat with the treadmill. Also kept my little busy with some fun playdates with some friends or it was just us. And of course due to the heat here in Texas we got my windows tinted on the my car so it can be cooler for not only myself but for my son as well. Than a few good friends celebrated their birthdays. A baby boy was born. Fianlly my husband started bonding more by making a movie date here at home while with our son or while he's asleep either way we are spending time together. As well we ended July by taking my son's 3rd birthday photo shoot.
Now August is here and I am day 2 with working out on the treadmill! Stay tuned for an updated at the end of the month!
Monday, July 10, 2017
It's just a stage, It will pass...I hope!
For the last month in half I have told myself it would pass, it's just a stage he's having.
Wonder what the stage is? Well he's taking it back to the newborn stage getting up at 11 and every hour after that until 3. He would go from a deep sleep to waking up out of nowhere from it, and there is some nights he would cry and some nights just lay there and talk or move to our bed. And a matter of fact he would also cry when I tell him it's bedtime and when we need to move him to his bed, and I mean cry with tears coming out. Also I must mention he's in our room but in his bed so when he wakes up he will crawl into our bed, which my husband wants to leave him in our bed. Than I will move him, because let's face it I don't want to start something that's going to be hard to break because I already want to move him to his own room, but this happen so now we are at a STOP!
Now coming from one tired mommy I'm hoping this is just a stage, and it will eventually passed so we can work on moving him to his room. Daddy is all for him staying in our room and laying in our bed when that happens. But this mommy is saying NO, and won't break down because this will become a habit and it will be hard to break. I have lost sleep because I get up and move him back to his bed and continue to do so until he goes back to sleep and won't wake up till the morning time. And since it's been going on for about month in half it can be everyday, or some nights but still I'm losing sleep, he's losing and I'm still fighting him for to back to his bed.
Finally, we are in a new month I hope this stage will passed soon and it will back to normal!! Stay tuned to see how this stage is doing for us and to see if he's now in our bed or continue to be in his bed!!
Monday, June 26, 2017
A little updated
Hello!! Here is an updated on my end:
My husband as been down in the dumps almost every weekend for the month on May and most of June. Either he's just tired with work, stress, back pain, or sick so on weekends we would start our day but end up back home after a few hours. Than to top it off my son was sick in the mix of daddy being down so lack of sleep on my end trying to get those two better. Also my son has a stage he's in(which a posted will be up about that very soon). So we have been having something going on each weekend and it has either been for the family or a birthday party for my son to go too(he's got a great social life where mommy and daddy just tagged along). May and June came and gone..May we celebrate mother's day which was a great weekend. Than father's day came in June, my husband had a wonderful father's day. We also attended a concert on father's day which we turn father's day into a date night for us, and it ended at 1 in the morning. Pitbull and Enquire put on one great show and to top it off we enjoyed a sushi date before the show, best date night in a while and a mememorable one...cant wait for the next date night. Finally not least last week we celebrated my father in law birthday with a little dinner and cake at their house and my son got to help grandpa blow out his candles. Also we are ended June with a bang with two birthday parties of my son's friends who are all the same age, well just about with my son being 3 in September. Two amazing birthday parties and a wonderful time for my little guy and us.
So yeah here is and was an little update from myself!! Stay tuned to see what July has in store for us also in the mix of all this getting things ready for my little guy birthday in September.
Monday, May 15, 2017
Happy 3rd Mother's day to me
Almost three years ago the good Lord blessed me to be a mommy. Since than the journey of motherhood has had it ups and downs, the good and the bad, but most of all it has come with a lifetime of memories, endless love and a lot of laughter in the mix. I have not only been blessed to be this little guy mommy, but I'm forever grateful. He's my everything who has taught me about a different kind love, and has and still is teaching me as I go.
I'm his mommy and his eyes I see his true love he has for me! For that I love you my little guy and I will always and forever love you! Being your mommy is one of my greatest gifts, and I will forever cherish, be thankful, be grateful, and counting my blessings!
P.S. Hope everyone had a great mother's day!
Thursday, May 11, 2017
About small shop Twinkle Twinkle Lil' Jar
Monday, May 1, 2017
My April went we say Hello May
My April went like this:
My grandma celebrated another year of life
We celebrated Easter
We celebrated my 31st birthday by making a trip to the beach first time for my son. Also had a nice lunch there and we had my little cousin who I took care of at 6 weeks old is now 10. As well finish the day with a nice dinner. The next morning enjoyed a breakfast and than menudo at my lunch.
I also able to be blessed with some blogging opportunities.
We also remember the life of my uncle who became an angel a year ago on April 20th.
Overall my April was a memorable one and now we say Hello May!
Thursday, April 27, 2017
All board...Choo, Choo
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Mom life by River Babe Threads
What's my name?
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Happy Easter
Happy Easter my wonderful readers!!
Today has been a fun filled day with thanking the Lord for giving us this beautiful day, and for all he has done for us. Than with kicking off with a egg hunt a week ago on Saturday, another one the day before Easter, than one today on Easter with a confetti fight and a kickball game. My son had a lot of practice and has become a pro with getting the eggs...yes at 2 in a half, he's a pro already! Before the day got started my son found a surprised as well as my husband from the Easter bunny, which they both loved and my son kept saying WOW, look, see, thank you mama and dada...he is just to cute. Again as each day I get I'm always thankful and today was extra special.
It has been a busy week with kicking off my husband three day weekend with a date night for mommy and daddy, to a birthday party/egg hunt, and than today Easter Sunday with more family time with lots more eggs, confetti fight, kickball game, and more goodies from my brother in law to my son.
Easter 2017/weekend was a memorable one and will be unforgettable...can't wait to see what Easter 2018/weekend has in store for us.
P.S Check back on this posted for pictures !
Saturday, April 1, 2017
Goodbye March and went like this...Hello April
This is how my March went..well it went great it was busy for sure, but a lot of memories were made.
Well we started with
Had a fun playdate with a friend of our at the trampoline park next to our house.
A mommy and son snocone date
Going to the Rodeo on St. Patrick's day to see 5th Harmony with our green on. My son second time going and a little older from last season. He enjoyed every bit of it and dance like crazy. It was different a memorable experience and a joyous one.
My son got to meet his great grandma on my husband side for the first time
We visit chuck e cheese unexpectedly and he enjoyed it to the fullest didn't even.
Dada took time off from work unexpectedly and much needed. We went to the zoo, rested and the last day we had lunch and went to Chuck E Cheese to have fun with dada.
Dada made bbq for us and enjoy a beautiful day outside with a few drinks.
Another than these things we relaxed a lot, watch a few good movies and laugh a lot as a family. As well as my work out is still going...not as strong but still going.
How was your March?
Now that April is here..let's say hello to April!! Stay tuned to see what's in store for us.