Tuesday, March 31, 2015

McDonald's Children's Festival Experience

This pass Sunday we enjoyed our very first festival as family on what turn out to be a very beautiful day! At first we didn't think our son who is 6 months old would enjoyed because he is to small, but he truly did enjoyed himself as well as it was something different for us to do over the weekend. Being that it was our first festival together, I love how there was so much for us to do and it was so big with many activities some free and some not,  and different shows to see, oh yeah and good food and cold drinks for a hot and beautiful day that we had that day. When we got there even though my son is small and can't walk or crawl yet, they had a booth sponsor by Texas Children's hosptial to tag your tot which is a bright orange post it note with parents name and number just in case your child/children got lost during the festival, and if you miss the booth they had people walking around making sure your child/children were tag. Our son may have been small but we still tag our tot just in case. Once we tag our tot we walked around, and looked at the different booths and even enjoyed the CircusTown & Big Top Stage sponsor by Baker Hughes, and we were front center for the motorcycle globe of thunder show which got not only our attention but my son attention as well. Than when the show was over we enjoyed a nice cold lemonade and of course an ice cream cone walked around some more, and stop a few times for a diaper change which I loved as a first time parent the diaper change tent came in handy. Like I said many booths offer free activities and hand out bags with paperwork, some even had coupons, and some had them on their tables. We loved the CHI St. Luke's Health booth offer character drawing which we got one of our son and the artist was asking for was tips, which we didn't mind at all. Than EP Energy offer tile painting at first we were not going to do one, but thought about it and got my son's footprint and I put his name and year and it the back I put his first festival. Everywhere you walked you enjoyed the different kinds of music, and we got free sample from Mcdonalds of there delicious smoothies which was good on a hot day, and loved how we saw smile after smile on everyone faces. Before we left my son couldn't join the derby as he crawling backwards, but they had a diaper derby and we got helpful information from the Nightlight Pediatrics Urgent Care Tot 

You know you had a good day and a good time at the festival when we left we had a smile and we were so tired. As well as my son didn't even nap much, as he didn't want to miss a thing but when he came home he knocked out after a bottle and a nice bath!

Thank you to Child Advocates and along with Baker Hughes and many other sponsors, as well as the vounlteers for doing such a wonderful job putting the festival together.

This may be our first but it won't be last!

So I would love to hear from you....Did you catch the McDonalds Children's festival this pass weekend? What was your favorite part? Did you do any of the activities that were offer? How about the food? How was experience and will you be returning next year?


**Disclosure - Tradition Hispanic Wife and family received free tickets to the event in exchange for this and any future posts. These are my own opinions and thoughts, and no compensation was received!

Here are a few pictures from the festival, Enjoy! 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Balance being a wife and mommy

Before becoming a mommy, I was just a wife! Now I'm a wife to my husband and a mommy to my child! You know now that I'm a mommy I didn't take anything for granted when I was just a wife. But being pregnant change your life, but having the baby here with you changes not only your life, but your spouse and your schedule as well. Before having our son, my husband needs would come first such as making his breakfast and coffee before he leaves, than having dinner ready for him when he comes home from work. After having our son his needs would come first before my husband and even mines, and I felt like I was failing as a wife(darn hormones), but the wonderful husband I have was understanding and not only I was new to this but he was too. Now almost 7 months in being parents I have learn two very important key words for my mommy and wife title, and that is balance and schedule! I have manage to balance the mommy and wife and schedule things such as when my son wakes up hungry in the morning I will feed him first, than get breakfast and coffee ready for my husband. During the day manage to take care of myself, clean, and pay attention to my son and have fun with him, once dinner time comes around if my son is napping I will start dinner and do little at a time while still taking care of my son. At times it's not easy but as long as my son is happy and busy...we are good to go! I have also come to accept that if dinner is not ready right when my husband walks in it's ok because it will be ready in no time and I didn't fail as a wife!!

My husband is happy, my son is happy and I'm a great wife and mommy and didn't fail!

You know being a wife and mommy has been the greatest blessing to me, and I have would not have it any other way!!

Life is good!!!

With that being said...please share

Do you have a schedule in your household? How did you balance mommy and wife life? Did you ever feel like you fail as a mommy and wife?


Thursday, March 5, 2015

Happy half birthday to my son

6 months ago today my husband and I started the next/new chapter that we thought we would not have a chance nor an opportunity to be, but we left in god hands and he did his work and made us not only husband and wife but mommy and daddy as well! Being mommy and daddy for the first time and for the last 6 months to an handsome little guy has been amazing and we are truly thankful to god!

Happy half birthday/6 months to our handsome little guy! We are proud to be your parents and proud that you are ours. Everyday you are learning something new, and everyday I'm blessed to see it. We are loving every moment we get with you, and only hope god bless you/us with many more. Mommy and daddy love you very much!

Baby boy loves to watch Mickey Mouse, grab his toes, look at his hands. He's also praticing sitting up by himself, loving playing with mommy and daddy. He loves to stick his tongue out, and smack his lips together not knowing where the sound is coming from. He not a fan of baby food but we found a few he does like.


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Recipe for tonight dinner

Pack of pork chops(value pack)
2 cans of beef consume
2 cans of french onion
1 cup of rice or 1 in half cup of rice

Put your uncooked rice inside your baking casserole dish
Brown the pork chops on the outside doesn't have to be cook on the inside just brown on the outside
As they are done put them in a baking casserole dish on top of the rice
Once all is done, and all on top of the rice pour your cans of beef consume and frech onion
Cover with foil and bake at 350 degrees for about 2 in half hours may be longer or less just keep an eye out, and once everything is cooked and soup is gone is DONE!!

Dinner is done and can be serve with vegetables of your choice or a side salad.

Fyi it's not burnt it's the onion of the French onion soup.