Friday, January 30, 2015

Liebster Award

I've been nominate and my first by Lissette over at Adventures with a Silly baby...thank you!

What is Liebster Award? It's an award to promote blogs and help bring more readers. 

How it works? A blogger sees a blog they like and "nominate" them. Than the nominee will answers some questions, than once they are done will nominate other bloggers, alerting their readers to other blogs they like. It's a great award to allow you to gain more readers, as well as they get to know the blogger behind the blog, but here are few rules you need to follow.....

Here are my answers for Lissette over at Adventures of a Silly baby, at the end I'll have a list of people I have nominate.

How long have you been blogging? 
I have been blogging since 2012 but really got into it after I found out my husband and I were expecting our first child, now that he's here I feel like life is a lot more exciting. 

What was your inspiration for your blog?
Being first time parents and just living life, and creating memories with our son and for our son. 

What do you enjoy most about blogging?
It's my world and my own time for my journal, where I can write how I feel, how it's going and just put anything down that what I have in mind and share with other bloggers.

What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time? 
I love to turn up the music and just dance and act a fool like no one is watching. 

What fictional character do you wish you were more like and why?
Cinderella..because her life was a bit rough but at the end she got her perfect fairytale, and that's exactly how I feel and love about my life and know everything happens for a reason and not only that to enjoy it to the fullest because life is just to short! 

If you had access to a time machine, would you choose to use it? What era would you choose to visit?
I would use it to bring my grandpa back as he passed away a few months after my first birthday in 1987. I know and feel if he was alive till this day my grandma would be just a little happier as she never remarried, and things would be totally different with their kids(aunts and uncles)...lets just say I don't think they would be taking advantage of using my grandma if he was alive. As well I would had love for him to meet his other grandkids and all of his great grandkids.  

What is your favorite household "duty?"
Honestly I love the cook, and wash clothes!

If you could go on a vacation to anywhere in the world, where would you go? 
Tour all of Europe which include sight seeing, try different things, learning more about their culture, and make it fun but yet create and make memories. 

Share one thing that makes you obnoxiously happy?
Being a mom and a wife 

If you could have any career in the world, what would it be and why?
I would love to one day be the director of my own day care, but be not to expense but enjoyable with a great learning experience for not only the kids but for the whole family. 

If you had a chance to say one thing that would be broadcast to everyone in the world, what would it be? 
Love life and live it to the fullest by enjoying every minute of it with a smile. 

I will nominate bloggers and then will share their answers to my questions! Here are my question...
1. Your blog name...why and how did you pick your name? 
2. If you had an opportunity to have your own movie, who would play you and your family? 
3.  Why do you blog, and do you like most about it? 
4. How long have you been blogging? 
5. Favorite memory you have for yourself or with your family? 
6. What is your favorite/TV quote of all time, and why? 
7. If you were able to talk to your loved one in heaven, who would it be and why? 
8. One word you live by, and why? 
9. Favorite Disney movie of all time? 
10. What do you like most about blogging, and why? 
11. If you could trade places one day, who would trade with and why? 


Monday, January 12, 2015

Life savers for mommies

I'm a first time mommy to a little boy, and I'm learning as I go what is good to have on hand which are known as mommies life savers that will save us from anything and everything....Pretty much be prepare! But what I like the most are my friends/family friends who talk to me about the life savers I must have on hand, and what I can get or need in the near future. You know if wasn't for them I would have still been lost or just turn to the internet, if not call my son's doctor for the smallest things to the big things of course.

4 months into my husband and I being parents and we love it, but of course we are getting the hang of it each passing day! 4 months and the life savers that we have and had saved us so far are:

Infant tylenol after two set of shots, doctor told us when he was 2 months old we could give this to him after his shots. But our family friends have told us to give him this before he gets his shots, or right away instead of waiting.

Always make sure the diaper bag is full of extra clothes, diapers and wipes of course, bib, socks, as well as a traveling formula can which we have a smaller one if we are out all day, than the formula container if we are not going to be gone all day long.

These are my two lifesavers right now beside the wedge we have in the crib which now he sleeps great in his crib, from his sleeper. The boppy pillow and of course the swing.

What were/are your life savers you couldn't live without or your child couldn't live without?

Please add on to my list for the near future? I'm still learning, and would love to know more about the life savers that saved you from going crazy or rescue you.


Thursday, January 8, 2015

New year, new name

As I like my pervious title but I didn't love it, so now since it's a new year why not change my name till I want to change it again so now here is my name 

Life with Lauren 

Life with Lauren! It's about my life with my boys(my husband and son), and at times it can be crazy but fun with lesson learn along the way! 

I'm the only girl who is a wife to a wonderful husband, and a first time mommy to a handsome little boy. I love my life to the fullest and live it to the fullest. My life as a stay at wife/ mommy can sometime be crazy but no one said it would be easy. Beside that I live it, learn it, and make memories. I love that I'm able to my share my life with y'all, and I hope y'all enjoy! 

Welcome to life with Lauren!! 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy 4 months old son

4 months ago this little guy came into the world and change our lives forever. The moment we found out we were going to be parents, we were beyond excited and couldn't wait to start this new chapter. Now four months ago today we are still excited and will always be excited that we are parents to this handsome little guy we call our son. Each passing day we are learning as we go, and becoming the best parents that we can be to you!! We love you so much our handsome and always will!!

At 4 months old you are grabbing your legs, love to sit in your big boy chair(highchair), love fireball by pitbull, sleeping in your crib but in the mornings love to be in mommy and daddy's bed! Friday we will know how much you weight and your height after your shots :(!!

Happy four months our handsome!