Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goodbye 2014, hello 2015

We started 2014 finding out we were expecting our first child, than we found out it was a boy as we waited for him to come we prepared and got things ready for him. Than the time came we became first time parent to a handsome little boy, and started making memories with him and as a family!

We made memories from the time he was born, we celebrated first Halloween, first thanksgiving, first christmas, and now tonight we will celebrate first new year's with him being here with us, took first family pictures. As the year is coming to end, and the new year is beginning....I'm  looking forward to all the other first with our son, and making even more memories with him and as a family!

So now we say goodbye to 2014 and what a wonderful year it was as we became first time parents and welcome our first child/our we will welcome 2015 as a family of three, and can't wait to see all the wonderful things in store for my family in 2015!


Friday, December 5, 2014

Happy 3 months baby boy

Happy 3 months old to our handsome little guy! You are truly a blessing and it has and is amazing just watching you grow. You love and know your daddy and mommy voice! You get scared when you hear your daddy sneeze, and of course you don't nap much during the day because you want to catch everything. You also smile a lot more, and make sounds when you get excited. Last of all, but not least you love your hands, and love watching Mickey Mouse!

As the day is coming to an end, my husband/daddy just came home from work and our son decided to roll over for the first time...what a blessing to mark two milestones in one day, proud parents we are! My husband said being at work since 5 this morning and working the weekend made this moment all worth it.


Monday, December 1, 2014

Hello December, where has the time gone

Hello December!! It's the last month of the year and soon the new year is starting. It has been a great year and I will be ending the year with my family completed(for now), and my heart filled with us being parents to a handsome son. This month my son along with us will be celebrating another first has it will be his first christmas and first new year's with us, and of course we started off 2014 pregnant with him and we will kick off 2015 with him being here with us!

So now let's enjoy the last month of the year, and of course make the most of it! Here is to making December a wonderful month like all the other months and to making the last memories of 2014!

Hello and Happy December!!


P.S. Picture thanks to pinterest, got to love pinterest!

Late posted about Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving came and gone but would to share with you what my family and I it goes

My husband and had a four day weekend, and of course my son and I loved having him home with us. 

Now since my husband and I started dating we always had thanksgiving lunch with my mom and dinner with my in laws, well this year we did the same along with our son who was celebrating his first thanksgiving as well. We started our day by taking my son pictures, than we went off to my mom's place for some good food, football, and sales ad to see what was on sale but didn't do shopping till Friday morning. After second started of our favorite team playing (dallas cowboys) which they lost we head out to my in laws for some more good food, dessert, and more football. Once we felt stuff at both places we came home, you know we usually go shopping but since we have a son now we called it a night and came on home to relaxed and get a goodnight sleep!

Thanksgiving came and gone memories were made, and it was extra special as it was my son first thanksgiving!

I just wanted to share that I'm always thankful each passing day I see and get, but this year is extra special and extra thankful as we are parents and my husband and I are now making memories with our son. Also and always thankful for my husband as well, and life because life is good!!

I'm not only thankful but I'm blessed as well!!

What did you do for thanksgiving? What are you thankful for?

Please Share!!
